Stillbirth, Stillbirth

Stillbirth, or stillbirth, is the birth of a baby that shows no signs of life (no heartbeat, no breathing, no independent movements) at any stage after 24 weeks of pregnancy.

In accordance with the Stillbirth Regulations adopted in 1992, all stillbirths must be reported to the appropriate organizations.

The number of such births per 1000 births (living or dead children) is called the stillbirth rate.

A fetus born after the 24th week of pregnancy is considered viable, while a fetus born dead before this period is the result of an abortion or miscarriage.

However, sometimes the fetus can survive even if it was born before the 24th week of pregnancy. This opportunity has arisen due to the recent significant increase in the quality of care for premature infants.

Stillbirth is the birth of a baby that does not show any signs of life at any stage of pregnancy after 24 weeks. This is a very rare occurrence that can occur both during and after pregnancy. However, if the baby is stillborn, it may be due to various factors such as genetic abnormalities, infections, maternal diseases and other reasons.

In order to prevent stillbirth and improve the quality of neonatal care, it is necessary to pay special attention to the diagnosis and treatment of pregnant women, especially in cases of high risk. It is also important to carry out preventive measures, such as vaccination against infectious diseases and regular examination by a doctor.

The stillbirth rate is the number of stillbirths per 1000 births, both live and stillborn. It can be used to estimate mortality rates among pregnant women and newborns. However, it is important to understand that this indicator is not the only criterion for determining the quality of medical care.

Overall, stillbirth is a serious problem that requires attention and effort from health care providers. It is important to carry out early diagnosis and treatment to reduce the risk of this phenomenon and provide the best care for newborns.

Stillbirths Stillbirths A stillborn baby is a baby born that has no heartbeat or breathing movements long after the onset of labor and also requires special medical care after its birth.