Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the lining of the stomach. This is one of the most common cancers. In Russia, stomach cancer ranks second in frequency among all malignant tumors.


  1. Hereditary predisposition
  2. Poor diet (spicy, smoked, fried foods)
  3. Smoking and alcohol
  4. Chronic stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers, polyps)
  5. Infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori
  6. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements
  7. Exposure to carcinogens (asbestos, nickel, etc.)


  1. Nausea, vomiting
  2. Pain and heaviness in the epigastrium
  3. Loss of appetite and weight
  4. Weakness and fatigue
  5. Anemia


  1. Gastroscopy with biopsy
  2. Blood tests
  3. X-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
  4. CT and MRI


  1. Surgical removal of the tumor
  2. Chemotherapy
  3. Radiation therapy


  1. Healthy eating
  2. Rejection of bad habits
  3. Timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
  4. Exclusion of carcinogens
  5. Annual medical examination after 50 years

Early diagnosis and timely treatment are crucial for a favorable prognosis for gastric cancer.