Standing breathing

This is a type of breathing in which the patient can breathe only if he stands up, straightens up and strongly stretches his neck upward, as a result of which a passage for air opens. The patient cannot tilt his head, as it becomes difficult for him to breathe, as it is difficult for someone who throws his head back; he also cannot bend his chest and back back. When the described position changes, especially if the patient lies on his back, it happens that some parts of the lungs cover others and the passages become blocked, because in such a patient these passages are mostly closed from the very beginning and there remains only an insignificant lumen in them, which disappears, when some parts of the lungs cover others. Such obstruction sometimes occurs in fevers and similar diseases, due to the filling of the vessels with vapors and the absorption of liquids, and sometimes it arises, in fact, from filling and clogging juices and tumors, or because the respiratory muscles are relaxed. If these juices do not go down to the legs, but go down towards the back or chest, then they compress the blood vessels.