Stupor Empty

Stupor of an empty bag

The phenomenon of empty pouch stupor (or syn. effector, also known as Gojawara) is a reflection of the abdominal form of intestinal paresis, in which the tone of the walls of all parts of the abdominal cavity is so reduced that the natural passage of the food bolus from the stomach into the small intestine does not occur. Against the background of the predominance of inhibition processes in the central nervous system and the influence of antiperistaltic signals due to the sharp distension of the empty stomach, the muscular component of the gastroduodenal junction (meaning the transition from the jejunum to the duodenum/from the small intestine to the ileum) also loses its contractile function. The patient **noted** **decrease in the amplitude and frequency of peristaltic waves along all parts of the small intestine**.

The presented pathological phenomenon is widespread. Main types of physiological processes disorders