Binet-Simon Test

**Binet-Simon Tests** are a group of techniques developed by the French psychologist Alfred Binet and his Swiss colleague Theodore Simon at the end of the 19th century to assess the intellectual development of children. The tests are based on observing the child's behavior and analyzing his answers to questions.

The main advantages of the Binet-Semon tests are that they help determine the level of mental development, as well as identify the characteristics of a child’s thinking. In addition, Binet-Simon tests are often used to compare the mental development of different children or age groups.

There are several versions of Binet-sema tests, depending on the age and level of development of the child. For example, there are tests for children from 2 to 7 years old (1st or 2nd testing), as well as for older adults from 8 years and older (3rd, 4th and 5th testing). There are also "subtests" for each age (for example, "language comprehension", "math test", etc.).
