Subcommissural body

The organ is subcommissural.

Subcommissural organ - formed due to the reduced surface of several bone elements that maintain connection with each other. The main factor in the development of this type of organs is their increased mobility due to the presence of rolling and/or flexion and extension in the hip and or knee joint. Due to the above factors, nearby pituitary elements also increase in size, which leads to the development of a subcommissural type organ. As a rule, the above changes are reversible, but there are cases when this type of organ is disrupted by various congenital and acquired pathological changes. As a consequence of various diseases, pathological mobility of bone surfaces develops, which subsequently leads to neurological symptoms in the form of neurodystrophic changes in tissues. The pathogenesis of the development of an organ of the subcommissural type lies in the increased intensity of the process of the damaging action of the Rolatisk characteristics of the skeletal joint over the damaging ability of the surrounding tissues (muscles, ligaments, joint capsule). Essentially, the pagnetic mass of cartilage (rolastic characteristics) significantly exceeds the load placed on it, which can ultimately lead to thinning and necrosis of cartilage tissue (congenital pathology or consequences of injury).