Subserous basis

The subserosal base is a thin, slightly fibrous membrane that covers the inside of the wall of the abdomen (abdominal cavity). The formation is a lamellar layer of the peritoneum, which is clearly visible in the ultrasound image, when performed, it can be detected near the anterior abdominal wall, and the posterior one - behind it. Also, in some cases, the gallbladder is visible between the sheets, but this is normal for this part of the body and indicates the absence of pathology.

Visually, this lining of the abdominal cavity can be confused with the abdominal tissue or the surface of the ovaries in women, or the testes in men. And in the ultrasound photo, fiber and capillaries that look like dark gray threads are visible between the sheets; in some cases, there is gas content. Visually, the surface is similar to the muscular layer of the abdomen, but differs in structure from it - fibrous rather than smooth muscle tissue.

The upper border between the abdominal cavity and the peritoneum clearly defines the midline. Inside this shell, with deep ultrasound it is sometimes possible to