Dry skin under the eyes what to do

Not all women know what dry skin around the eyes is, what to do with it and how to moisturize it. The areas of skin around the eyes are more susceptible to the influence of stressful situations occurring in the body. When a woman gets enough sleep regularly, follows a proper diet, and does not devote significant time to the computer or TV, she has a healthy complexion. Cosmetologists say that the skin around the eyes is considered the most delicate area on the face, which has high sensitivity.

It is she who creates problematic situations for her owner in the form of drying out and the appearance of early wrinkles. Due to its structure, characterized by the predominance of a small number of sebaceous glands, it requires special daily care. Why does the skin around the eyes dry out and what are the rules for caring for it?

Basic rules for caring for the skin around the eyes

Dry skin around the eyes is considered a difficult problem, since with this condition every woman feels discomfort and, in some cases, pain. At the same time, some ladies cannot apply eye shadow or use any decorative cosmetics.

Excessive dry skin is due to many reasons:

  1. cornea problems;
  2. presence of any infection;
  3. chronic blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  4. bad habits;
  5. allergy;
  6. insufficiency of tear fluid;
  7. excess makeup applied to the eyelids.

If dry skin occurs due to the development of any serious illness, you should seek help from an experienced ophthalmologist, whose advice will help determine effective treatment.

When the problem is minor, it is enough to follow certain rules:

  1. constant use of moisturizing eye creams;
  2. selection of a line of facial cleansing products containing only natural microelements;
  3. protecting the skin in the eye area from direct sun exposure (it is useful to use sunglasses or sunscreen);
  4. When using a face mask, it is important not to get it on the skin near the eyes;
  5. systematic intake of liquid in large volumes;
  6. maintaining a healthy diet and maintaining health;
  7. the use of products containing vitamins A and E.

Don’t forget that eyelid makeup must be removed before going to bed. In this case, movements should be carried out smoothly and carefully. When removing makeup from the eyelids, there is no need to stretch the dermis.

Often, dry skin under the eyes means other problems exist. It is possible that the cause of dryness in this situation may be a common allergy to the cosmetics used.

Moisturizing the skin around the eyes at home

Today, any well-known cosmetics company provides a wide selection of products to care for the skin around the eyes. You just have to choose the appropriate line.

It is also possible to moisturize the skin with the help of home remedies, using folk recipes.

The yolks of quail eggs make the skin soft and moisturized, after which it looks more toned and acquires an attractive appearance. In order to make this simple mask, you need to mix the yolk of a quail egg with a drop of vegetable oil of your choice.

This paste should be applied only after cleansing the skin. The mask must be kept for 15-20 minutes, then removed with warm water. To achieve high efficiency, the mask is used at least 2 times in 7 days.

Aloe juice for the skin around the eyes has a healing effect, in which the skin of the eyelids is restored. Before use, carefully wrap the aloe leaf in a transparent food bag and place it in a cool place. After 10 days, you can take out the leaf, squeeze the juice out of it and wipe dry areas with it.

Homemade eye cream. Due to the presence of ordinary animal fat in it, it provides maximum nutrition to the dried dermis. First you need to melt 1 tbsp using a steam bath. spoon of any animal fat, then pour 2 tbsp. spoons of any vegetable oil. Next, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained and place in a jar with a lid. The cream should be used 3 times a week, applying it at night and not rinsing off. The container itself with its contents should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 25 days.

In addition, other means are used to help combat dryness.

Restoring the skin around the eyes using cosmetics

Due to the lack of muscle and fat under the skin, it is susceptible to stretching. The appearance of initial facial wrinkles is observed in this area.

You should start taking care of the skin around your eyes from a young age. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to use various creams that prevent early aging. It is enough to know that due to the lack of fat, the skin in this area can quickly lose its elasticity and become dry.

The skin requires constant hydration, as it is too mobile during waking hours. Phenomena such as facial movements, eye blinking and others are taken into account here.

Dry skin should be cleansed with cosmetic milk or other moisturizing agents that allow you to ideally remove dust from the upper layer of the dermis and applied makeup, without stretching it.

When cleansing, it is not recommended to use soap, as it causes the skin layer to dry out more. For women with dry skin, it is advisable to have in your cosmetic bag, in addition to eye cream, a makeup remover with hydrating properties. Do not forget about constantly removing eye makeup, since remaining cosmetics cause great harm to the skin. When cleaning makeup, you should use cotton pads that do not have hairs. After the makeup is removed, you can apply cosmetics that are well absorbed into the skin of the eyelids and have anti-allergenic properties.

The cream is a wonderful remedy for combating dry skin around the eyes. It is able to smooth out wrinkles that appear due to lack of moisture in the body, compensate for the lipids necessary for the skin, making the surface more elastic and tender. When purchasing a cream, you need to pay attention to its composition, which should not contain lanolin, which causes allergies, red spots or excessive dryness. You should select products that contain the required pH level.

Lotions also have excellent effectiveness in moisturizing the skin around the eyes. Having a simple composition, they easily eliminate wrinkles and unevenness on the surface of the epidermis, and also moisturize it. When using contact lenses, a highly sensitive gel is suitable. It can be used forever.

Any products that care for the skin in the eye area must be changed periodically to prevent the occurrence of conjunctivitis or other allergic reactions.

Nourishing masks for dry skin around the eyes

Of the huge variety of nourishing masks, the most famous of them is honey. After using it, the skin receives maximum hydration and the elimination of the smallest wrinkles. In order to prepare such a mask, you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. Mix everything and add a few drops of olive oil. Next, this mixture is applied to pre-washed skin for 20 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water or a cotton pad soaked in milk.

In addition to this product, a strawberry mask is also used. Crushed berries (3 pcs.) are mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. The resulting consistency is wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelids. After 15 minutes, you can wash off the applied layer with warm water.

When using masks that nourish dry skin in the problem area, do not forget about precautions. These products should only be applied to clean skin. It is better to use them in the morning or before bed. To avoid allergies, do not let the mask get into your eyes.

Do not forget that after each procedure of using a mask you must use a nourishing cream.

In order for your eyes to delight others with their radiance, and your skin to look attractive and healthy, constant care is required.

In absolutely all people, the area around the eyes is prone to dryness, which is fraught with early wrinkles. It is quite possible to cope with this problem if you provide the skin of your eyelids with good care.

  1. Causes of dry skin around the eyes
  2. Prevention measures
  3. How to care for the skin around your eyes
  4. Recommendations for restoring the skin around the eyes
  5. Review of suitable creams

Causes of dry skin around the eyes

The condition of the skin around the eyes is influenced not only by the peculiarities of its structure, but also by a number of other circumstances.

In autumn and winter, cold wind causes tears: salty liquid, in contact with the skin, damages the already weak lipid barrier. This leads not only to dryness, but also to irritation. In sunny weather, ultraviolet radiation provokes hyperkeratosis, a protective reaction that causes the skin to become rougher.

Low air humidity

In rooms with central heating or air conditioning, the air is usually dry, and the skin experiences a total lack of moisture.

Thoughtlessly selected cosmetics, makeup left on overnight, masks applied to the area around the eyes contrary to the instructions - all this can cause dry eyelid skin.

If the peeling of the skin around the eyes is not associated with cold or the effects of diet, you need to check whether it is a reaction to allergens.

The most common of them are blepharitis, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis. If dry eyelid skin is caused by a disease, do not self-medicate. Make an appointment with a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and provide your skin with adequate therapy.

Signs of dry eyelid skin – tightness, redness, itching © iStock

Signs of dry skin around the eyes:

Dry skin around the eyes can be caused by various reasons. Sometimes they are completely harmless: unfavorable weather conditions, incorrectly selected cosmetics, lack of water in the body, etc. But in some cases, dryness can be a sign of a dermatological disease: eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and others. Peeling and itching bring significant discomfort. The problem can be solved by using moisturizing masks and compresses made from folk remedies. But if dryness is caused by an illness, you cannot do without treatment from a professional doctor.

Dry skin around the eyes is determined by the following signs:

  1. first, the skin in this area begins to dry and peel;
  2. then itching appears, the eyelids constantly itch;
  3. if you rub your eye, the skin around it turns red;
  4. at the last stage, the redness becomes covered with a crust, which can hurt and eventually begins to crack.


All this does not decorate the face and causes serious discomfort. In addition, dry epidermis leads to accelerated formation of wrinkles.

If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in time and do not begin treatment, there is a risk of a secondary infection associated with damage to the skin.


Dry skin around the eyes can be caused by many reasons. These include:

  1. weather conditions (strong wind, low humidity, etc.);
  2. dry air in the house;
  3. use of cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type;
  4. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  5. taking a shower or bath with hot water;
  6. lack of water or vitamins in the body;
  7. friction of delicate skin and other mechanical damage;
  8. dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis);
  9. blepharitis;
  10. disruptions in the hormonal system, in which the sebaceous glands of the eyelids do not work correctly;
  11. bacterial infections (for example, lichen);
  12. allergic reactions;
  13. ocular conjunctivitis and other mucosal irritations.

These diseases sometimes occur due to stress. Therefore, overwork, lack of sleep and depression are also considered indirect causes of dry skin.

Women face this problem more often than men. After all, women's skin is much more prone to dryness.

In children, the skin around the eyes is especially thin and delicate. Therefore, irritation easily occurs under the influence of negative environmental factors. In addition, the child often develops various allergic reactions.

If the skin of your eyelids is crusty and itchy, you should not self-medicate. Before using any products, you should consult a dermatologist.