Surgical clamp

A surgical clamp is an instrument that is used to grasp, hold and fix organs, tissues and dressings during surgical operations or dressings. This instrument is one of the main tools in a surgeon's arsenal and is used to provide stability and control during operations.

The surgical clamp consists of two handles that are connected to each other by a hinge. One handle is typically long and narrow to provide a secure grip and hold on tissue, while the other handle may be wider and shorter to provide a more secure hold.

When using a surgical clamp, the surgeon must take into account the anatomical features of the patient and select the most appropriate clamp size for a particular operation. Clamps can be made from a variety of materials, such as stainless steel, plastic or rubber, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

One of the advantages of using a surgical clamp is that it allows the surgeon to control the position of the organ and tissue during surgery, which allows for more accurate and efficient work. Additionally, a surgical clamp can be used to hold the dressing in place, which helps prevent bleeding and provide a more secure dressing.

Overall, the surgical clamp is an important tool for surgical operations and dressings, which provides stability and control over organs and tissues.

A surgical clamp is a medical device designed to grip tissue during a surgical operation. It is used to compress soft tissue before surgery so that the surgeon can safely perform the procedure without compromising circulation.

Surgical clamps are divided into several types: - fixed; - retaining fabrics; - screw fasteners; - rodless clamps. Fixed clamps are used to secure tissues. Retaining clips can be used to adjust the size of the hole that needs to be removed. Screw clamps provide clamping stability. Rodless clamps allow tissue to be moved during surgery. Surgical clamps are an integral part of any modern hospital. They help doctors perform complex surgeries more safely, without risk to patients.

The clamp is also widely used in dentistry, where it helps dentists hold teeth and tissue during fillings or treatments.

It is used to grasp tissue, an important step before surgery begins. It can be used for various purposes such as maintaining blood flow, preventing blood clots, creating a reliable connection. You need to grab the tissue carefully, without causing it to tear or damage. For clamps, special fabrics are used - surgical ligatures, which guarantee not only the grip strength of the tissue, but also ensure its sufficient hydration