Judgments about rashes

With abscesses that arise and disappear without opening, two circumstances necessarily occur: either the abscesses return again, becoming even larger, or the disease itself returns, or the matter returns to the joints or to painful, tired or weak organs. The best of these abscesses are those that bring relief and arise after maturation, strenuously strive outward and are located far from the noble organs. Those of these tumors that are soft and yield to the hand are less harmful than tumors that are hard and sharp. However, they ripen more slowly, since they are colder, and their harmfulness is less only because they do not cause severe pain. Such tumors, if the fever continues and does not dissipate, accumulate pus after sixty days, and less persistent tumors - between twenty and sixty days.

Boils are least harmful if the organ to which they are directed is located below and, being low, is at the same time ignoble and extensive enough to contain all the matter. After all, if he does not contain it, it will return a second time to those places where it was subject to decay, and the same thing will happen that happens when an ignorant doctor drives away matter by cooling: • it is thrown back to where it came from, becoming even worse due to decay and movement , and kills. And the worst crisis rashes are those that are directed inward or located within.

The most suitable place for abscesses is a weak organ or one affected by a chronic disease, especially if it is located in the lower parts of the body and tends to sweat profusely; the best and least likely to produce a return of abscesses are those which break open, while the abscesses which disappear most clearly indicate a return of the fever.