Symptom of Fingers Clenching into a Fist

This symptom is caused by a lack or presence of muscle tension. Myotonic dystrophy and hemiplegia can cause this symptom. But even minor damage to the brain can cause it to appear.

One of the most common causes of pinched fingers and difficulty spreading them is Lambert-Eaton syndrome. Also in this disease, in addition to this symptom, which manifests itself precisely with finger movements at rest, there may be others, such as weakness in the arms and legs, frequent coughing.

It should be noted that in children this problem is observed infrequently and usually manifests itself by the time they reach age.

Fist clenching symptom: what does it mean?

The symptom of “clenching your fingers into a fist” is a characteristic symptom that is observed in various diseases. Essentially, this is **difficulty in straightening and spreading fingers** that were **clenched in a fist**. This symptom can indicate a number of diseases and requires immediate medical attention.