Syrup Sofia. Rosehip

Sofia syrup. Rosehip. Contains flavonoids, natural compounds that help support cardiovascular health and protect against free radicals. Flavonoids are important components of many plant foods and have antioxidant properties. Sophia contains flavolichenin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can lower blood cholesterol levels. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that may help prevent inflammation associated with heart disease and cholesterol. In addition, Sophia can also help improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which promotes more efficient delivery of oxygen to the body's tissues. In general, Sophia thorn is an important addition to the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems. Sofia spike is made by the domestic manufacturer Fora-Pharma (Russia) and has a plant base. This product is a dietary supplement and should only be used as a dietary supplement. Before use, you should consult your doctor.