Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease of connective tissue and blood vessels primarily affecting the skin and kidneys. The exact cause of the disease is unknown. It is believed to be caused by viruses. Women aged 15 to 40 years are most often affected.

Symptoms of SLE:

  1. Fever, weakness, weight loss.

  2. A red, butterfly-shaped spot appears on the skin on the nose, then the spots spread throughout the body.

  3. Redness and erosion on the mucous membrane of the lips.

  4. Joint pain, muscle weakness.

  5. Inflammation of the joints of the hands, limitation of mobility.

  6. Possible bone necrosis.

  7. Lupus nephritis develops, increased blood pressure, edema, protein in the urine.

  8. Endocarditis, heart valve insufficiency.

  9. In the tests: a decrease in leukocytes, an increase in ESR, detection of LE cells, protein and red blood cells in the urine.

SLE requires long-term complex treatment with hormones, immunosuppressants, and plasmapheresis. Regular monitoring of the patient's condition is important. It is necessary to avoid the sun, hypothermia, vaccination. The prognosis depends on timely diagnosis and adequate therapy.