Unexpected Notes

“Unexpected notes” are a great way to spice up an ordinary day and bring joy to loved ones. After all, who doesn’t love receiving unexpected messages or notes that remind us of what they mean to us?

This simple trick using sticky notes can be great fun for the whole family. To begin, take a few pieces of paper and invite your child to write short notes on them for different family members. You can write something similar to “Thank you, Mom, for the delicious lunch” or “Dad, you are the best!” The child can come up with their own messages or use examples.

Once the notes are written, have your child post them in different places around the house. For example, on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator door or on the pillow on the bed. When family members find these notes, they will be pleasantly surprised and happy to see that someone is thinking about them.

Plus, this trick can be a great way to lift your spirits. Write yourself a note with a positive affirmation or motivational phrase and stick it somewhere you can see it. Every time you walk by, you will be reminded that you are important and capable of achieving your goals.

So don't hesitate to use this simple but effective trick to please your loved ones and lift your spirits. Unexpected notes can be a small but meaningful gesture that makes your day brighter and better.