Prevention of Prostatitis and Prostate Adenoma

Prevention of Prostatitis and Prostate Adenoma

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are diseases that can lead to serious health problems for men. They can occur at any age, but most often affect older and older men. In this article we will look at the causes of these diseases and methods of preventing them.

Risk group

Prostatitis most often affects men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, abuse alcohol, eat poorly and often suffer from inflammatory diseases, especially of the pelvic organs. The development of prostate adenoma is promoted by excess body weight (obesity), alcohol consumption, smoking, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis and impaired hormone synthesis in the body. The nature of nutrition plays a special role in the occurrence of this tumor. Thus, in Japan and China, where vegetable rather than animal fats predominate in the diet of the population, this disease is rare. The most harmful foods that cause prostate tumors are ice cream, frozen cream, sour cream, and cold fat milk.

Preventive measures

Insufficient physical activity contributes to negative processes in the prostate gland. A sedentary lifestyle sharply slows down blood circulation in the pelvis - blood stagnation appears. This is another reason why in men it is here, around the prostate gland, that mucus accumulates and various disorders develop. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs also contribute to the occurrence of prostatitis and adenoma due to anatomical and physiological characteristics.

To prevent prostatitis and prostate adenoma, it is necessary first of all to normalize your lifestyle: sufficient physical activity, a healthy diet, avoidance of alcohol and a normal sex life. Serious attention should be paid to the prevention and timely treatment of inflammatory diseases, especially of the pelvic organs.

It is important to restore the cleanliness of the large intestine and normalize the acidity of its environment (it should be slightly acidic). The intestines become polluted from the wrong combination of foods, boiled and refined foods, as well as from the lack of regular consumption of fiber and other dietary fibers.

To prevent prostatitis and prostate adenoma, it is recommended to include foods rich in zinc, selenium, vitamin E and other antioxidants in the diet. These can be nuts, seeds, red fish, seafood, green vegetables, fruits and berries. It is also useful to use dietary supplements based on plant extracts, for example, dietary fiber, saw palmetto extract, peony bark extract, etc.

It is also important to regularly undergo medical examinations and examinations for timely detection of the initial stage of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The doctor may prescribe additional tests, such as ultrasound, biopsy, etc.

In general, prevention of prostatitis and prostate adenoma comes down to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, regular medical examinations and timely treatment of inflammatory diseases. If you experience any symptoms related to the prostate gland, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.