Winter Makeup

Winter makeup

In winter, your skin is exposed to different conditions than in summer, so this time of year has its own rules.

In winter, the skin on the lips is very sensitive and vulnerable to any temperature changes, cold wind, etc. To avoid peeling and unnecessary problems with it, you should systematically moisturize it. To do this, use a special lip balm.

If you prefer lipstick, then purchase fortified lipstick for these purposes. It will not only nourish your lips, improving their appearance, but also protect against the negative effects of bad weather.

Don't forget about your facial skin. Just like lips, they need to be moisturized. A moisturizer will help you with this. Please note that the shade of the foundation must completely match your skin tone. In the summer you could refer to the greater tanning of the face, but in the winter you cannot do this.

Another winter nuance is blush. They must be applied to the cheekbones. This is necessary so that your face does not appear painfully pale.