DIY facial serum recipes


But facial care is of great importance at any age, it just always has specific features. For young people, these are most often problems with increased oiliness and porosity of the skin, acne and hormonal rashes, then swelling, dark circles under the eyes, pigmentation and facial wrinkles can be added. You need to combat age-related changes as early as possible, long before they become noticeable. Then removing them will be extremely difficult, and sometimes simply impossible.

Serums can be an active assistant in the fight against aging. They are highly concentrated substances that can penetrate deeply into the skin and activate rejuvenation processes in it, improve cell division, and enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Serums and essences of various types in a huge assortment are sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, in departments of special skin care products. But it’s quite possible to make such compositions at home. It will cost less, and the product is guaranteed to contain no preservatives or other artificial substances.

Basic properties of serums

Store-bought or homemade products have the following set of beneficial properties:

  1. Preventing age-related skin changes.
  2. Eliminates fine wrinkles and reduces the depth of large ones.
  3. Improved skin color and texture.
  4. Deep hydration and nutrition.
  5. Metabolism stimulation.
  6. Regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Restoring skin firmness and elasticity.
  8. Fight against pigmentation.
  9. Lifting effect.

With this set of qualities, serums occupy a leading position in the fight against skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles.


Method of use

The serum is a concentrate, so it requires very careful and dosed use. In this case, more does not mean better at all. The serum must be applied to well-cleaned, damp skin, a few drops at a time, and gently spread over the face. There is no need to rub it in or try to massage it; the most you can do is to gently “drive” the product into the skin with your fingertips.

Most serums are not intended for independent use, so after applying them it is recommended to “cover” the skin with a layer of emulsion or cream. The serum, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, will “take” with it the active substances of these care products.

Abuse of such drugs will not immediately help you look several years younger, but will cause reactivity and irritation. You may even develop an allergic reaction to the components of the product. For the serum to be beneficial, it must be used correctly, regularly, preferably in courses.

Making serums at home

Homemade serums have a simple recipe and affordable ingredients. To make them you don’t need any special knowledge or skills, you just need to strictly follow the recipe. The range of serums is quite extensive, so before preparing you need to choose exactly those options that are best suited to your skin type and its requirements.

Before creating a product, you need to carefully read the recipe and make sure that everything in it is clear and accessible.

  1. Chicken egg shell serum mask

To obtain the product you need two fresh chicken eggs. They are thoroughly washed, broken, the shells are separated and cleaned of all residues. The shells are dried and crushed into cereal.

Then the resulting substance is poured with boiling water and boiled for 6 to 8 hours. The composition is removed from the stove, the liquid is poured into a separate container, and the mass from the shell is filled with whey. When the remains dissolve, the finished whey should be poured into a vessel and placed in the refrigerator.

Masks are made with this substance 2–3 times every 7 days. The liquid drained at the beginning of the process also does not need to be thrown away. You can make various masks based on it.


Homemade serums with vitamins

Vitamins are very important for skin of any type, and not only those that enter the body. Based on these beneficial substances, you can prepare serums for different skin types:

  1. For oily, porous skin with poor complexion and/or pigmentation.

To create such a serum you will need vitamin C (ascorbic acid), purified water and vegetable glycerin. All these components can be bought at the pharmacy. All components must be taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly, achieving complete dissolution and homogeneity of the mixture. The substance must be stored in a dark container, since vitamin C is unstable and easily decomposes in light.

You can use the serum in the morning and evening in winter, provided you apply sunscreen with a high SPF value, and in summer it is better to use it only at night and also remember to protect your skin well from the sun, otherwise there is a high risk of getting age spots.

  1. For dry, fading, wrinkled skin

To prepare this serum you will need olive oil and vitamin E - 1 ampoule. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. You just need to mix the composition, apply a thin layer in the morning and evening, or make applications from it on problem areas with wrinkles.

If olive oil is not available, it can be replaced with almond, peach, or apricot. But olive oil is preferable, as it contains the active substance squalane, which is beneficial for aging skin.

Sour milk whey

Regular curdled milk can be an excellent raw material for producing serum for normal and combination skin.

Curdled milk or milk that has begun to sour is poured into a saucepan and put on fire. When it boils, reduce the flame to a minimum and leave for 10 minutes. After cooling, the mixture must be strained.

It is better to use whey warm and not to prepare it in large quantities, as it does not store well and loses its beneficial properties. The serum can be used to wash your face; it mattifies the skin well, eliminates oily shine, helps to cope with freckles, marks left after acne and pigmentation from excessive sun exposure.

The serum can be used as a toner, remembering to wash it off after drying on the face. It also works great in the form of ice cubes. You can wipe your skin with them in the morning. This procedure perfectly tones and refreshes the skin, relieves puffiness and gradually whitens spots.

Whey can be added to homemade masks. The best effect is obtained when the procedures are carried out in courses, at least for a month, 2 times a week.

Using milk whey you can make a very effective facial peeling:

  1. 2 tablespoons whey.
  2. 1 teaspoon of ground coffee or coffee grounds.

If the skin does not tolerate coffee well, it can be replaced with peas ground into flour or oat bran or flakes. The mixture is stirred and gently applied to the skin along massage lines. Gently work over the entire face, avoiding the eyes and lips with very sensitive skin. The process should not take more than 3 minutes.

After completion, wash with cool water and apply tonic and cream. Repeat peeling twice a week for oily skin, and once every two weeks for dry skin.

Serums for wrinkles under the eyes

You can prepare serums at home to nourish the skin under your eyes and eliminate fine wrinkles. Two recipes have proven themselves better than others:

  1. On almond or any other base oil

The serum contains:

  1. Almond oil - a tablespoon.
  2. Aloe vera gel – a tablespoon.
  3. Carrot oil – 3 drops.
  4. Chamomile oil – 3 drops.

First, all the oil components are mixed, and then aloe gel is added. The composition can be enriched with the introduction of vitamins A and E, or Aevit can be used. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 20 days and should be shaken before use. This product is suitable not only for the area under the eyes, but also for all problem areas on the face, neck, décolleté and body.

The composition includes a teaspoon each of cocoa and avocado butter, 2 teaspoons each of coconut oil and shea butter, 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 2 Aevita capsules or one each of vitamin A and E.

The oils are combined and heated in a water bath without overheating. Cool, add vitamins and gel. The mass must be mixed very thoroughly, or even better, beat with a blender or mixer. Transfer to a container with a dispenser and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

Both of these serums must be combined with moisturizers.

The use of homemade serums in combination with regular care and cosmetic procedures can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, prevent premature aging and excessive dryness of the skin. This is an excellent care product, but it cannot replace all other types of cosmetic products, so serums should only be used in combination. With this approach and course use, they will lead to the most pronounced and long-lasting results.

It’s easy and simple to prepare a face serum with your own hands, without chemical components, using strictly natural ingredients. Serum can be a 100% analogue of cream, have a lighter texture, are easier to apply and are absorbed faster. If it is not possible to use one serum, you can apply it under the cream in the morning and evening, thereby doubling the effect.

It’s easy to prepare the serum; first try all the components separately on your skin to rule out allergies. Then select the necessary ingredients to prepare the product. Prescription facial skin serum acts in the deepest and hard-to-reach places in the skin, saturating them with vitamins.

Serum for facial skin: what you need to stock up on and how to prepare it

At the pharmacy you can buy everything you need:

  1. several or one essential oil that suits your skin and corresponds to the problem that you want to solve with the serum;
  2. aloe juice - in a bottle or ampoules;
  3. propolis tincture.

Decide in advance on the container in which the components will be mixed. A new facial serum is prepared every day; it cannot be stored for a long time.

To prepare the serum, you need to mix aloe juice and propolis tincture in equal doses, enough for one use. Next, add your favorite essential oil to this mixture and the serum is ready.

You can apply it to the skin as follows: wet the swab and apply it to the skin with light movements. You can dip your fingers into the serum and apply to the skin with patting movements. If you stay true to your cream, you can cover your face with it after 10 minutes to allow the serum to absorb. If there is a slightly oily sheen left from the oil, remove excess oil from the skin with a paper towel.


Determining the effect of oils

For oily skin types you can use the following essential oils:

They can have a tonic effect. Lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang may also be helpful. These types of oils soothe the inner layers of the skin and can relieve tension and irritation. Lemon and lavender miraculously smooth the skin.

These essential oils will help cleanse clogged pores and remove blackheads:

A rescue remedy for acne can be:

These essential oils promote the healing of cracks, relieve inflammation on the skin, and activate cell regeneration. A facial skin serum can contain 2-3 types of essential oils to solve all skin problems as much as possible.


Types of essential oils and their effects

Apricot kernel oil is used for all skin types. Has a moisturizing and regenerating effect. Can soften and restore skin elasticity. Helps prevent enlarged pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Avocado oil is suitable for dry and aging skin, nourishes and restores lipid balance on the skin. Also improves the appearance of nails and hair.

Grapeseed oil is suitable for oily and combination skin types. Perfectly tightens enlarged pores, restores skin firmness and elasticity.

Jojoba oil is ideal for any skin type, perfectly penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Also suitable for preparing hair masks - stimulates growth and adds shine.

Wheat germ oil is ideal for skin prone to rosacea. Relieves swelling and itching, flaking and restores skin elasticity.

Calendula oil can soften and restore any skin, even protects against sunburn. Great for preparing masks for oily hair.

Almond oil can saturate the skin with vitamins, moisturize and return the sebaceous glands to normal, and remove oily shine.

Peach oil can smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging skin, gives a rejuvenating effect, and tones.

St. John's wort oil cleanses the skin of any impurities, prevents the appearance of acne, and rejuvenates the skin.

Pistachio oil is used to prepare a serum or mask for any skin type. The composition includes unsaturated fatty acids and amino acids. This essential oil is an antioxidant that can protect the skin from harmful environmental influences.


Serum is a universal product for daily facial skin care. What is whey? Serum is a rich liquid containing active ingredients and vitamins. Depending on the ingredients used, serums can:

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normalize complexion; slow down skin aging; smooth out wrinkles; regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands; restore the water-salt balance of the skin; make the skin firm and elastic; improves metabolism.

As already mentioned, depending on the purpose of use, serums are made based on 3 different components:

  1. essential oils;
  2. hyaluronic acids;
  3. dairy products.

The serum can be purchased at the store or made independently at home. It is recommended to resort to the second option, because store-bought serums have two serious drawbacks: they can cause addiction and/or an allergic reaction. In addition, homemade serums are much cheaper, absolutely not inferior in quality to the effect produced by store-bought ones.

Recommendations for use:

  1. Since the serum is a highly saturated substance, it is recommended to use it in very small portions: literally a few drops for one procedure.
  2. It is better to use the serum before going to bed or before applying cosmetics.
  3. Before using, wash your face with warm water.
  4. It is advisable to apply the concentrate to damp skin.
  5. When applying the product, avoid the area around the eyes.
  6. Wait until the serum is absorbed into the skin and wipe your face with toner or apply cream.

Attention! Follow all recommendations for the use of serums very carefully! Excessive use can lead to allergic reactions and skin irritation.

How to make whey at home

In order to make the serum yourself, it does not require much expense or extra effort; all recipes are extremely simple and easy to follow. Their large assortment will allow you to choose a product for any skin type, taking into account existing problems. Therefore, before you start preparing the concentrate, carefully study all the recipes.


Important! Before using any serum, make sure that you are not allergic to the components. To do this, apply a small amount of the substance to the skin of your hand and hold for 10-15 minutes. If there are no visible changes on the skin, the serum can +

Serums based on hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an essential component that provides skin hydration. However, with age, less and less acid is produced, the skin becomes drier as water begins to leave, and as a result, wrinkles form. Hyaluronic acid retains water molecules, ensuring normal water-salt balance.

Hyaluronic acid is found in the following foods: grapes, red wine, eggshells, potatoes, nuts, the minerals magnesium and zinc and other substances. These serums are best suited for oily and normal skin.

To prepare the whey you will need:

  1. coffee hydrolate 35 g;
  2. almond hydrolate 5 g;
  3. aloe-based gel 5 g;
  4. grape skin 2 g;
  5. hyaluronic acid 1-2 drops;
  6. phenylethine alcohol 2-3 drops.

Add alcohol to the coffee hydrolate and mix. Pour hyaloronic acid into a separate container and add the already mixed ingredients to it. Use a wooden spatula to stir the resulting lumps. Add aloe-based gel to the resulting mixture, stir until the mass is homogeneous. Now add the rest of the ingredients and the serum is ready to use!

Serum-mask made from eggshells

To prepare this mixture, take two eggs and wash them thoroughly. Break the egg, clean the shell from any remaining white and yolk, wipe dry and chop.


Place the crushed shells in boiling water and cook for 6-8 hours. After the time has passed, pour the water into a jar, place the remaining eggs in a container with whey until the shells are completely dissolved. Use the resulting mask 2-3 times a week. The water remaining after preparation can be used as independent masks.

Vitamin serums

Vitamin serum is an excellent product for oily skin, which normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps get rid of acne and removes the characteristic oily sheen from the face. A concentrate based on vitamin C, perfectly whitens pigmented skin and smoothes wrinkles.

To prepare, mix ascorbic acid, water and vegetable glycerin in equal proportions. The ingredients must be mixed very thoroughly until completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour the finished serum into a darkened test tube with a stopper.

Vitamin E Serum

  1. vitamin E 1 ampoule;
  2. olive oil.

Mix the components in equal proportions

Based on essential oils

  1. jojoba oil 20 g;
  2. rosehip oil 20 g;
  3. geranium oil 6 g;
  4. immortelle oil 3 g;
  5. chamomile oil 2 g.

Combine the oils in a ceramic container, mix thoroughly until smooth and pour into a darkened bottle with a stopper.

Avocado oil serum

Avocado oil serum is perfect for those with dry skin; it will moisturize the skin and nourish it with vitamins.

  1. avocado oil 20 g;
  2. entothera oil 20 g;
  3. geranium oil 5 g;
  4. lavender oil 3 g;
  5. chamomile oil 3 g;

Mix all oils thoroughly until smooth.

Whey from curdled milk

Serum based on yogurt is intended for normal and combination skin. To prepare it, you need to take strained milk or curdled milk, pour it into a bowl and put it on the stove. As soon as the mixture boils, immediately reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting mass and strain through cheesecloth. The serum is ready!

Important! If you have combination skin, avoid using different serums for different areas of your face.


Milk-based whey is rich in nutrients and vitamins. The proteins and amino acids it contains fill the skin with missing elements, make it healthy and elastic, and smooth out wrinkles.

Cold cooking

Whey can be prepared using kefir. To do this, place a liter of kefir in the freezer for several hours.


After complete freezing, remove the kefir from the refrigerator and defrost. You need to defrost in a certain way: take a jug or narrow pan, place a fine-mesh colander or strainer on top, and place the frozen product in it. What drains into the container will be whey. As a bonus, you will have very tender and tasty cottage cheese in the sieve.

Hot cooking

Keep a liter of milk in a warm place until you get curdled milk. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan and heat until the curd is completely separated from the whey. Strain the resulting mixture through a strainer and place in a darkened jar. Store in a dark place.

Mask-scrub based on whey

In addition to direct use, whey can be used in a variety of other ways. Hair and face masks, peeling scrubs, etc. are made on its basis.

Here is one recipe for a face scrub based on whey. To prepare it you need:

  1. milk serum;
  2. a little black bread pulp.

Thoroughly dissolve the black bread pulp in the whey until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Apply the finished mixture to your face, massaging the skin with intense circular movements. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

Important! If you find it difficult to choose a suitable recipe, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.