Taddei typhloureterostomy

Tyfluureterostomy according to Taddei is one of the most difficult operations in urology. It is used to treat urinary tract obstruction when it is necessary to create a new channel for urine drainage.

The essence of the operation is that a catheter is inserted into the bladder, which passes through the urethra and ureters, and then exits through the skin on the abdomen. A hole is then created in the catheter through which urine will drain out.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about two hours. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days until recovery occurs.

Tyfluureterostomy according to Taddei can be used to treat various diseases such as bladder cancer, ureteral strictures, congenital anomalies of the urinary tract and others.

However, although the operation is complex, it has a high success rate and allows patients to live a full life without the need for constant bladder catheterization.

Tyfluureterostomy is a surgical method for treating urethral obstruction.

Urethral obstruction is one of the most common reasons for visiting a urologist. There are many causes of obstruction: stones in the urinary tract, benign prostatic hyperplasia, neurogenic bladder, stricture and much more that can cause problems with the outflow of urine. Urine accumulates in the bladder and the person often has to ask for help. The pace of life becomes more complicated, and lack of time increases the risk of various diseases. Tifluureterostom is prescribed for chronic obstruction of the urethra and urethra, as a result of which urea accumulates in the lumen of the ureter, which causes inflammation and narrowing of the urethra. This condition is a harbinger of pyelonephritis and nephrosclerosis. Treatment is usually surgical. The intervention proposed by Tosino Taddeo (1960) is the removal of the peri-vesical part of the urethra and transplantation of the ureters into its stump. Operation Tyfluurethrumnostomy “taddeumoid” is one of the most effective methods for treating narrowing of the bladder, both congenital and acquired. This is one of the most promising surgical options with a low number of postoperative complications. There is no equal in the number of operations performed on the genitourinary system. However, it has not received due distribution due to the high percentage of relapses of urinary tract pathologies. Initially, the procedure was used to restore the patency of the upper sections of the urinary tract, but over time, a more gentle and time-tested solution appeared - laser ureterotomy. In the modern world, with the advent of technologies such as artificial intelligence, laser technology has become more accurate and less expensive to carry out. Today this operation is performed in almost all large multidisciplinary hospitals in the country.