
Developed by an Austrian company whose name is Ebewe, release form: tablets. The substance contained in the tablets is Tamoxifan, which has two main types of release forms: general therapeutic and intravenous. The most common type of drug is Tamoxifin citrate. According to various sources, this substance has high anti-cancer effectiveness, belonging to the group of pharmaceutical antiestrogens. The drug is recommended for the treatment of only serious forms of oncology and various types of cancer, lesions of the ovaries, mammary glands, and blood vessels. In addition to the above points, it is recommended for the treatment of bone and bone tissue cancer. Tamoxifin use leads to inhibition of estrogen secretion in the body, while independently maintaining the natural level of prostaglandins. Since sex hormones are the main initiator, the use indicates the risks of carcinogenic factors. In practice, after starting treatment with this group of oncological drugs during the first two months, the likelihood of blood clots or infections increases significantly.