
Insuloma is a tumor of pancreatic islet cells (beta cells).

Clinical picture Induction of the condition corresponds to the nature of the clinical manifestations. The gastrointestinal tract is characterized by nausea, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and vomiting, which quickly brings relief. There is a loss of body weight, pain in the

Is this insunoma? Insuloma, also insunioma, insulin gland, insulinomas are a type of benign tumors of the pancreas.

**Causes of development** There are two main types of insulomas: * Type 1: sporadic: develops independently and is not associated with other tumors in the family. From 80 to 90% of such cases are the first type of the disease. * Microadenomas * Macroadenomas * Metastatic tumors * Multinodular lesions * Cystadencarcinomas

* Type II: hereditary forms: diagnosed in patients with MS Boznik syndrome (multiple endocrine syndrome) or other autoimmune diseases. Some of them are transmitted by a recessive type of inheritance from the father, the other part - by the phenotype of healthy people (sporadic form).

The congenital type occurs either in the presence of a genetic mutation in the carrier of the MEN-2 gene

Insuloma is a tumor-like formation of the pancreas with an asymptomatic course of the disease and its unknown origin, more often found in women. In most cases, it arises from the islet of Langerhans or relatively large lobules, less often from duct cells and less often in the tail of the gland.

Insulomas appear in the subcutaneous tissue in the Larggård ribs, along the duct, usually on one side, and protrude into it in the form of grape-shaped lymph nodes ranging in size from barley to hazelnut. They are also found in newborns, with the left side being more often affected. In a number of cases, possible obstruction of the lumen of the pancreatic duct by cysts was questioned. Rarely, insulinomas appear on the skin of the anterior abdominal wall in the navel area, in the groin. **The first symptoms** may appear after several years or never at all. **Manifestations of insulinomas are very diverse and depend on the location of the tumor**, they can be invisible or even absent throughout a person’s life, but the risk of their detection is higher in people with chronic pancreatitis, hypoglycemic syndrome in diabetics, Schmidt’s syndrome and pancreatic cancer. Cases of endoral origin of insulin - through the oral cavity - have been described. Insulomas may be accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea.

Depending on the intensity of growth and toxicity of the tumor, the doctor decides on surgical removal of the disease. More often this is done endoscopically to avoid large incisions and damage to healthy tissue. If the diagnosis of insulinomyodenoma (enlargement of the tumor or uncontrolled growth) is confirmed, a course of chemotherapy is often prescribed.