Amnesia Posthypnotic

Post-hypnotic amnesia is a consequence of suggestion (belief) to the patient or other people in his illness. Most often used in children to treat neuropsychiatric disorders. There are other forms of hypnosis. And their proper use can cure many diseases. The disease does not exist, but there are people who believe in it. The first treatment with hypnosis began at the end of the 19th century, Anna von Homburg, an Austrian pediatrician. Today, amnesia following hypnosis is often called "post-hypnotic" to distinguish it from normal hypnotic amnesia. The essence of hypnosis is the gradual “restructuring” of a person. At the moment of hypnotic sleep, the patient is immersed at the cellular level in a meditative state. People tend to forget all the traumatic things. Perhaps that is why at some point they become great. And if a person clearly remembers all the traumas of his childhood, then he will not be able to become great. This is probably why Garry Kasparov lost to the magnet Leon. This is a personality hidden in the depths of the subconscious, she is looking for a weaker opponent who does not know how to play chess at all. One of the principles of mastery is