Tampon (Swab)

A swab is a piece of cotton wool or other absorbent material wrapped around a stick. Tampons are used for various medical purposes:

  1. Cleaning wounds, surgical sites and other body cavities from blood, pus and other secretions.

  2. Application of medicinal substances to wounds and cavities.

  3. Taking material for analysis - swabs from the throat, nose, vagina, etc.

During operations, surgeons use gauze pads to stop bleeding. These swabs are carefully counted to prevent them from being forgotten in the patient's body.

Tampons are sterile, disposable and reusable. They are made from cotton, viscose, polyester and other materials. The shape, size and material of the tampon are selected depending on the purpose of its use.


A swab is a piece of cotton wool or other highly absorbent material that is used to clean and disinfect wounds, surgical sites and other body surfaces.

In medicine, tampons are used to remove dirt and bacteria from wounds and to apply medications to the surface of the skin. During surgery, tampons help remove blood from cut blood vessels. Tampons are thrown away after use to avoid spreading infection.

The number of tampons used is carefully monitored to ensure that they are not left in the patient's body. This can lead to serious complications and even death.

It is important to remember that the use of tampons must be careful and professional to ensure patient safety and prevent possible complications.

I hope this information was useful to you!

Title: "Tampons" (Swabs)



Tampons are an important tool in medical practice. They are used to safely and effectively remove blood and other fluids from the surgical area, as well as to apply medications to wounds and body cavities. In this article we will take a closer look at