Taragafisa is tragacanth

Dioscorides says: “It is a wide, rough root, covered with thorns, which produces tragacanth. It raises short branches above the ground, covered with many thin leaves, between which protrude hidden white, hard and straight thorns. Tragacanth is the moisture that appears on this root, if it is cut, at the place of the cut or scratch, and turns into gum.”

Respiratory and chest organs.
If tragacanth is mixed with honey and placed under the tongue, it helps with cough and roughness in the chest. In liquid and dissolved form, it is drunk in the amount of one darakhmi, that is, eighteen qirats, in sweet wine.

Eruption organs.
If this gum is mixed with burnt and washed deer antler and a small amount of Yemenite alum, it helps with pain in the kidneys and burning in the bladder.