
Theism (from Greek theos - god and Latin ismus - teaching) - belief in the existence of God or gods.

Theism asserts that God is a personal, intelligent, creative force who created and governs the world. Theistic religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam believe in a single and omnipotent Creator God.

Basic provisions of theism:

  1. The existence of God or gods as supreme supernatural powers.

  2. God is personal, has intelligence and will.

  3. God created the world and continues to support and direct its development.

  4. God interacts with people, answers prayers, sends revelations.

  5. There is an afterlife where God rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked.

  6. Man must worship God and follow his will.

Thus, theism affirms belief in God as the ultimate reality and source of moral and spiritual values. This is the most common worldview underlying monotheistic religions.