
Remote Curie Therapy (Telecurietherapy) is a type of radiation therapy in which the source of radiation affecting the human body is located at some distance from the patient. Initially, radium was used as a radiation source; Currently, artificial radioactive isotopes (for example, cobalt-60) are used for this purpose.

Remote Curie therapy allows you to direct ionizing radiation directly to the tumor, minimizing irradiation of surrounding healthy tissue. This is achieved due to the fact that the radiation source is located at a certain distance from the patient. The radiation dose is carefully calculated for each specific case. This targeted approach provides highly effective treatment with relatively few side effects. Currently, remote curie therapy is widely used to treat cancer.

External curie therapy is a type of radiation therapy in which the radiation source is located at a distance from the patient. The radiation source may be radium or man-made radioactive sources such as cobalt.

Curie therapy is used to treat various diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. It can be used either alone or in combination with other treatment methods.

In remote curie therapy, the radiation source is located outside the patient's body. This avoids direct contact with radioactive material and reduces the risk of exposure to personnel and others.

However, despite all the advantages, curie therapy has its drawbacks. For example, it may cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting and weakness. In addition, special equipment and trained personnel are required to carry out curie therapy.

In general, remote curie therapy is an effective method of treating many diseases. However, before using it, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the patient and evaluate the risks and benefits of treatment.

Curie therapy is a radiation therapy technique that uses radioactive sources to treat cancer. It was developed in 1918 by French physicist Henri Becquerel and named after him.

Telecurietherapy is a type of radiation therapy in which the radiation source is located at a certain distance from the patient. This reduces the dose of radiation the patient receives and reduces the risk of side effects.

External curie therapy uses artificial radionuclides such as cobalt-60. They are placed in a special device called a gamma emitter. A gamma emitter emits gamma rays that hit the tumor and kill its cells.

External Curie Therapy can be used to treat various types of cancer such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and others.

However, it should be noted that remote curie therapy is not a panacea and may have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and others. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consult a doctor.