Ten reasons to visit a mammologist

  1. Regular screening helps prevent breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women, so prevention is essential.

  2. Pain and lumps in the chest during PMS may indicate mastopathy. It's better to check with a doctor.

  3. Breast injuries increase the risk of tumors. If you have had an injury, visit your mammologist regularly.

  4. Interrupted pregnancies and miscarriages are risk factors for breast cancer. Women over 30 years of age without children are also better off getting tested.

  5. Pain and other problems may occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not delay your visit to the mammologist.

  6. Excess estrogen provokes breast diseases. A mammologist will help you adjust your hormones.

  7. Pay attention to the condition of the nipples - pain, discharge, changes make you see a doctor.

  8. If you have a relative with breast cancer, you should also undergo regular screening.

  9. After age 40, mammograms should be done annually to detect problems early.

  10. A mammologist is necessary before breast surgery or taking hormones to exclude contraindications.