Which stars gave up alcohol forever?

Celebrities who gave up alcohol forever

Celebrities are people whom everyone sees, but not everyone knows. We know them by what they do on screen or on stage, but we don't know how they live their lives behind the scenes. Many celebrities love to take a walk and relax, drink wine or a cocktail, but there are also those who have given up alcohol forever.

Of course, among celebrities there are those who are addicted to alcohol and drugs, but today we will talk about those celebrities who have given up alcohol forever and do not regret it.

  1. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is one of the most famous women in the world. She is known for her luxurious lifestyle, but she has never drank alcohol. Kim said that she doesn't drink because she doesn't want to lose control over herself and her behavior.

  1. Naomi Campbell

Even though Naomi Campbell was a famous model in the 90s, she never drank alcohol. In one of her interviews, she said that she does not see the point in drinking alcohol, and that she prefers to keep her mind clear.

  1. Jim carrey

Jim Carrey is a famous actor, comedian and producer. He also never drank alcohol. Kerry revealed that he has been sober for over 30 years and that he prefers to keep his mind clear to remain creative and productive.

  1. Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is a famous singer and actress who also gave up alcohol forever. She said that she gave up alcohol during her pregnancy and that she didn't see the point in drinking when there were other ways to relax and unwind.

  1. Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks is a famous model, television host and producer. She also never drank alcohol. Tyra said she doesn't drink because she wants to maintain control over her actions and decisions.

Of course, this is not a complete list of celebrities who have given up alcohol forever. There are many people in the world who do not drink alcohol, including celebrities. But these five celebrities are an example of how you can be successful and famous without drinking alcohol.