Top 8 little-known things about health and attractiveness

Top 8 little-known facts about health and attractiveness

  1. Don't be too happy about the low weight. The study found that thin people also have a risk of premature death.

  2. Firm buttocks. Machine exercises that focus on your buttocks, thighs and legs are a great way to tighten them up.

  3. Fat burning products. Red pepper, ginger, mustard and other spices speed up metabolism and help burn fat.

  4. 30 seconds before eating. Massaging your earlobes before meals stimulates the brain and reduces appetite.

  5. Exercises for the whole body. Abdominal squats are a great full-body exercise.

  6. Slim stomach. Marine crunches effectively tighten your abdominal muscles.

  7. Tips from the star coach:

  1. Do not sharply limit calories, otherwise your metabolism will slow down.

  2. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.

  3. Card-switching exercises tone the thighs.

  1. The “Rockette” exercise makes your legs slender and your waist thin. Alternate leg and shoulder lifts.

These are useful, but not very well-known tips that will help improve your health and attractiveness!