Smoking cessation remedies: there is always a way out!

Have you quit smoking? And if not, then why haven’t they done it yet? Despite the fact that nowadays the number of programs about the dangers of smoking is constantly growing in the media, there are still people who enjoy smoking and enjoy every minute of it. However, others hope that the day will come when the world will no longer suffer from the nasty smell of tobacco smoke.

Apart from this bad habit, there are additional difficulties in quitting smoking. The biggest difficulty is that people simply cannot get rid of nicotine addiction. As with all things like this, there are many products and supplements out there aimed at making it easier for you to transition your life into a nicotine-free phase. Below is a list of the most common and available smoking cessation products on the market.


The sticker is one of the most common smoking cessation products on pharmacy shelves. The purpose of the sticker is not to remove all the discomfort that a person experiences when quitting smoking, but to soften it. This may mean that you will be able to cope with all the unpleasant symptoms, i.e. you will be able to withstand them longer.

A sticker is a small, mild dose of medication that is different from stronger smoking cessation medications. This is why you may still have smoking cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

How effective is this product? This remedy is used daily for three months. Generally speaking, the response was positive, and people often quit smoking earlier than recommended. Research shows that the sticker, compared with other forms of smoking cessation aid (chewing gum and inhaler), is a successful aid for one in five people who want to quit.

Since it is not a cure, you will need to use all your willpower to quit smoking. Most experts believe that people should use the sticker at the same time as medical advice - you will be more likely to quit. Side effects from the use of the sticker have been noticed only in the form of sleep disturbance (in fact, this is most likely due to a lack of nicotine, and not to the sticker itself) and/or skin irritation.


There is also a relatively new means of combating nicotine addiction - an antidepressant. This drug is called bupropion (or another name for it is Zyban). These are tablets dispensed as prescribed by a doctor. According to experts, this is not a means for a smoker to quit, it helps to soften and control the craving for nicotine.

How effective is this product? According to research, Zyban is twice as effective as smoking cessation products such as gum and stickers. There are several known side effects: dry mouth and difficulty sleeping, drowsiness and increased blood pressure have been reported. A huge advantage of this product is the absence of nicotine in its composition and ease of use.

Chewing gum

Oral smoking cessation products such as chewing gum contain small doses of nicotine. Chewing gum is a kind of substitute for cigarettes. If you want to smoke, chew it. This is different from using a sticker or pill, which lasts all day.

Since the dose is very small, you will be drawn to cigarettes, the body will not have enough nicotine, but after a while the craving will begin to decrease, and you can simply throw away the gum when it becomes completely unbearable.

How effective is this product? Typically, nicotine gum is used for three months and is known to be as effective as other smoking cessation products.

The advantage of nicotine gum is that you can chew it whenever you want (up to 24 pieces per day). This means you can control your doses.

Nicotine inhaler

The beauty of using an inhaler is that, like nicotine gum, you can always use it.