Therapy Supportive

Supportive therapy

Therapy that maintains health status

Maintenance therapy is a method that allows you to maintain the previously achieved treatment effect and reduce the risk of disease relapse.

The main goal of maintenance therapy is to ensure that signs of the disease do not return after the end of hospital treatment. The method allows you to eliminate the psychological and physical discomfort of patients after treatment or surgery, consolidate the positive result and restore health, prevent complications and relapses.

In medicine, maintenance therapy is the most modern, accessible and effective way to combat various diseases. The technique is used as a preventative measure and helps ensure that recovery continues after hospital treatment for the patient at home. But it is important that the technique will not be effective without constant monitoring by a doctor!

The treatment complex is compiled by a specialist. The exact scheme is drawn up based on the results of the patient’s medical history, x-ray and laboratory examination. If the effect appears so early, then measures are added to the regimen to stimulate the immune system and increase overall endurance, strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

The rehabilitation process may involve different components depending on the patient's needs.

If necessary, teams of various specialists who are involved in the recovery of patients will be involved in treatment. These are anesthesiologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists, urologists. These doctors will help the patient recover