Vichy thermal water application

Most people believe that it is best to use thermal water in the summer, when the skin is especially susceptible to the harmful effects of sunlight and only this remedy can save you from the stifling heat. But this opinion is erroneous, since many experts argue that such an excellent “humidifier” should not be abandoned even in the cold season. During this period, the air in rooms and offices is very dry, so the epidermis also requires special care. Consequently, Vichy Spa thermal water will be relevant at any time of the year, as it is a real mineral spring in miniature.

Some interesting history

The first thermal resorts appeared in ancient Rome. Gradually, such hospitals began to be built all over the world. In the middle of the fifteenth century, this healing water began to be sold in pharmacies, but it was sold only strictly according to doctor’s prescriptions. In those days, it was prescribed for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, digestive tract disorders and vascular diseases.


Today, the leading positions in the number of these products issued are occupied by countries such as France, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy. One of the most popular drugs among buyers is the Vichy brand product. The thermal water of this manufacturing company is in great demand not only among women, but also among men.

Product Description

"Vichy" - thermal water - spills from a source that originates in the depths of the French Auvergne volcanic park at a depth of four kilometers. Its temperature reaches 145 degrees Celsius. The liquid has unique properties and is saturated with beneficial minerals.

Leading dermatologists and cosmetologists call the Vichy brand product a real elixir of beauty and youth. This product is designed for any skin type and age, but will be especially useful for sensitive dermis. “Vichy” (thermal water) does not cause any allergic reactions at all and is produced according to the strict rules of the pharmaceutical industry. The effectiveness of its action is confirmed by a large number of clinical studies and extremely positive customer reviews.


Useful components and properties

The composition of Vichy thermal water consists of fifteen rare minerals, including iron, calcium, potassium, manganese and silicon. The product is an absolutely pure and natural product, as it does not contain any preservatives or perfume additives. “Vichy” thermal water, thanks to its components, can penetrate deeply into different layers of the epidermis, thus promoting intensive tissue restoration, as well as enhancing the protective properties of the skin.

In addition, the cosmetic product perfectly evens out the complexion, actively fights inflammation and acne, and can also relieve a variety of redness and irritation on the skin and helps fight aging. A can of this life-giving liquid can be used to relieve fatigue from the face, as the water from the spray improves tone and nourishes the skin with minerals, vitamins and salts. Thanks to these properties, the Vichy product has a wide range of applications.


When can the product be used?

So, how to use Vichy thermal water? Having such a sprayer on hand, you can always freshen up. The product should be applied to your face, neck, hands and décolleté after various cosmetic procedures, physical activity, or in a hot or air-conditioned room. After such a thermal shower, you will immediately feel a feeling of freshness and comfort, and such hydration of the epidermis will give strength and energy. In addition, the drug from Vichy is perfect for additional nutrition of the skin. To do this, you need to spray the product onto the surface of your face before applying any creams or lotions. This procedure will help the beneficial substances of both cosmetic products penetrate deeper into the tissue and make the skin more elastic.

Vichy thermal water is also used to make makeup last longer. In this case, it can be used both on ready-made makeup and on a cleansed face. You can also moisten the brush with the spray in order to apply the shadows wet. This product is suitable for getting rid of a dense layer of powder, which emphasizes all the fine wrinkles on the face. To do this, you will need to sprinkle a little water on the already completed makeup. This will help get rid of dull dullness and give your face a healthy and radiant look. According to the manufacturer, this natural product is ideal for any age and all skin types.


Efficiency of thermal water

People who have already experienced the effects of this manufacturer’s product claim that after spraying their skin became hydrated, unusually smooth, elastic and radiant. The face acquired a rested and fresh look, as if after various spa treatments.

Thermal water from this company perfectly removes redness and reduces itching. According to cosmetologists and dermatologists, this is simply an indispensable product for those with dry and very sensitive epidermis. Among other things, the product helps treat psoriasis and rosacea, due to the fact that this miracle drug also has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.


How to apply it correctly?

The manufacturer recommends using this product morning and evening on cleansed skin, but it can be used more often if necessary. Some women also use thermal water after removing makeup and before applying any cosmetic product, as it is an excellent addition to any cleansing routine. When spraying liquid onto the skin, keep the container with the product at a distance of thirty centimeters from the face or other part of the body. Then, after application, wait one minute and gently blot off any remaining product with a dry cloth or towel.


Buyers' opinion

Possessing so many useful components and healing properties, it is not surprising that Vichy thermal water has become so popular recently. Reviews, price and many other factors speak in favor of this product. Among the many benefits of the cosmetic product, people highlight the fact that this water can be used all year round. In addition, they like the fact that it can perfectly even out the complexion and rid the skin of small pores. Therefore, anyone who has started using this thermal liquid can no longer live without it. It becomes an indispensable thing in the gym, on the beach, at home and at work.


Despite such a wide range of properties and wonderful mineral composition, Vichy thermal water is absolutely inexpensive. Its price depends on the volume of the cylinder. An aerosol with a 50 ml bottle will cost approximately 290 rubles, and a 150 ml spray will cost 430 rubles. Moreover, a large package of this product will last at least three months with regular use. You can purchase thermal liquid from this company at any specialized store, but it is better to do it at a pharmacy.


Using Vichy thermal water is a great way to give your skin a boost of energy and freshness. This product is used to cleanse and moisturize the skin. This is one of the main parts of comprehensive dermal care. The mineralized composition enhances the protective functions of the epithelium and gives it a natural radiance.


What it is

A product based on water obtained from thermal springs is called “thermal”. Its advantages lie in the presence of a huge amount of useful elements and vitamins, which means that such a liquid has the property of caring for the skin and restoring the epidermis. The product contains microelements such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and silicon. The carbonate compounds contained in the composition soften and mattify the dermis. Zinc inclusions fight inflammation, and selenium promotes the antioxidant charge of the skin and prevents epithelial aging. Thermal water has a calming effect, is recommended for all skin types and has no contraindications.


Vichy uses natural water extracted from the volcanic rocks of France as the basis for its products. On the territory of Auvergne (a nature reserve), there are thermal springs, the depth of which is about 4000 meters, and the water temperature is 130 degrees Celsius. The liquid passes through many earthly rocks and layers, being saturated with a huge amount of minerals and vitamins, before reaching the laboratory. Fifteen valuable microelements from the depths of the earth saturate Vichy thermal products. The human body cannot produce these rare minerals on its own, so they are vital in skin care products.



Water with a high content of healthy salts from Vichy has a pure composition, is hypoallergenic and is suitable for any skin type. Its properties:

  1. soothes, relieves itching and redness of the face – the composition contains calcium, due to which the calming effect is enhanced several times;
  2. saturates the dermis with oxygen, accelerates metabolic processes between cells, which has only a positive effect on the skin - it acquires radiance and an even tone;
  3. has an antioxidant effect, which is due to the presence of selenium in the composition;
  4. restores fat and water-salt metabolism inside the skin, thanks to zinc and sulfur;
  5. maintains hydration level. However, it should be remembered that a thermal remedy cannot restore the water level and saturate the dehydrated and dry dermis - only retain the existing moisture inside the cells;
  6. strengthens – liquid from Vichy activates catalase in the epithelium. This enzyme protects cells from chemical carcinogens. Its action is due to the binding of free forms of oxygen to radicals during their formation. This means that thermal water removes not only impurities, but also toxins. Skin after 30 years sharply reduces the production of the enzyme, which affects the overall tone of the dermis. Official studies have proven that the use of Vichy thermal products accelerates the production of catalase compounds by 20% and helps activate the protective functions of the skin;
  7. improves health. Restoring the optimal balance (in other words, the buffer effect) is possible thanks to a composition whose acidity is close to the natural value - pH 6.7. Therefore, thermal waters heal the skin and restore its balance. The protective layer is not destroyed even after aggressive exposure (scrubs, peelings and weather conditions).








Vichy thermal water does not contain parabens, fragrances or dyes. It has a soft structure and can be used at any time of the year. Active components:

  1. calcium – promotes the regeneration of the dermis, protects cell membranes from the negative effects of the environment;
  2. iron – participates in oxygen exchange between cells, improves complexion;
  3. manganese – is a natural antioxidant;
  4. fluorine – helps strengthen blood vessels;
  5. potassium – moisturizes, relieves excess swelling, retains moisture inside the cells;
  6. silicon – restores skin cleansing functions;
  7. magnesium – activates the regeneration of the skin, evens out the complexion;
  8. sodium – regulates metabolic processes between the layers of the dermis, promotes hydration;
  9. sulfur – removes toxins, protects the epithelium from free radicals;
  10. boron – restores damaged areas of the epidermis;
  11. lithium – has an antiseptic effect;
  12. strontium – eliminates inflammation, narrows pores;
  13. bicarbonate – buffer properties;
  14. ammonium – activates the synthesis of skin amino acids;
  15. orthophosphate – nourishes cells from the inside, energizes them.



Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of Vichy thermal waters is their extraction method. Quality control occurs at all stages. During extraction, the product is tested for six microbiological indicators and its chemical and physical properties are checked. In order to preserve all the useful minerals in the composition and at the same time purify the water to a crystalline state, it is subjected to soft filtration. After this, the liquid is poured into sealed containers and delivered to the Vichy plant. There it goes through the second stage: a test based on five key indicators - appearance, aroma, structure, water balance and composition.

Next, the percentage of minerals and beneficial salts is tested, thanks to which Vichy thermal liquid has a harmonious composition. The quality guarantee is supported by long-term preservation of properties - about 4 years.

More details about product quality Vichy, you can find out from the following video.

Vichy mineralizing liquid:

  1. hypoallergenic;
  2. without smell;
  3. suitable for any skin;
  4. no preservatives.




Vichy "Spa" product is suitable for oily, normal, dry and sensitive skin. Used for skin diseases such as rosacea, psoriasis or allergic rashes. Used in the summer, drying period.


Thermal water has few disadvantages:

  1. may dry out skin – for very dry skin, the product may have the opposite effect of moisturizing. If peeling is noticeable during use, then this is a sure sign that skin cells are actively losing moisture;
  2. the liquid should not be used before sunbathing, as it reflects the sun's rays and increases the effect on the skin by 20%. In this case, burns may occur.

Thermal water varies by type. Exist:

  1. isotonic formulations. Products with this name are as close as possible to skin balance and have a neutral pH. This type of thermal water is intended for normal and dehydrated dermis. Eliminate inflammatory processes and nourish the skin;
  2. water with high selenium content – best suited for the hot summer period. Salt inclusions protect the dermis from drying out, prevent minor signs of fatigue, neutralize the effects of ultraviolet rays and remove toxins;
  3. water with bicarbonates and sodium – are mineralized compounds that include about 17 minerals and beneficial salts. Thermal water is suitable for oily and problem skin, heals damage and wounds, dries out inflammation and activates the protective functions of the skin;
  4. compositions with esters of oils and plants – are close to the indicators of thermal water, but are not such. This is ordinary purified water, artificially enriched with vitamins. The method of application also depends on the components themselves;
  5. water with low mineralization – contain a minimum of substances beneficial to the skin. This thermal water is suitable for very dry and sensitive skin, moisturizes, relieves redness and reduces irritation.


Thermal water of any type has individual properties. How to choose according to personal criteria:

  1. if you need to protect your skin while tanning, preference should be given to selenium compounds;
  2. to eliminate oily skin problems, it is necessary to choose thermal water with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components;
  3. to avoid drying out dehydrated skin, you need to purchase products with minimal mineralization;
  4. for oily skin types It is best to use highly mineralized thermal water - salt and mineral compounds will dry out the dermis and narrow the pores;
  5. to prevent allergic skin reactions, it is necessary to abandon artificially fortified water.

Greetings, dear readers! Moisturizing is the most important component in daily facial skin care. It is important for our body to receive clean water not only internally, but also externally. Vichy thermal water was very suitable for my sensitive skin, reviews of which encouraged me to purchase it. And share with you my impressions 🙂

Why moisturize your skin

In recent research, scientists have come to a surprising conclusion. Skin dehydration occurs not only due to loss of moisture, but also due to its uneven distribution. It turns out that moisture loss occurs faster on our cheeks, temples and forehead than on other areas of the face. The fact is that it is here that the skin is more susceptible to changing weather conditions and environmental influences.

By the way, people of different ages and with any skin type are susceptible to uneven distribution of moisture. Even with oily and combination skin. One of the reasons why dehydration of the dermis occurs is due to a decrease in the number of aquaporins. Let me remind you that aquaporins are proteins that are involved in the transport of moisture from cell to cell. So, with a decrease in their number, water metabolism is disrupted. This leads to dry skin.

A reduction in aquaporins may be due to stress, age-related changes, high exposure to UV rays, or hormonal imbalances.

The protective barrier of the skin is significantly weakened and cell regeneration slows down over time. And to normalize the water balance, the skin needs to be moisturized. Thermal water is ideal for these purposes. This cosmetic product enhances moisture circulation in the epidermis.


Composition of thermal baths from Vichy

Thermal water from Vichy is a unique product. At a depth of 3-4.5 km in the depths of the Auvergne volcano at a temperature of 140 degrees, this miracle remedy is formed. It is under these conditions that minerals dissolve in fresh water. Thanks to this, the thermal bath acquires amazing properties.

Nature has been creating thermal water for thousands of years, nourishing it with minerals and trace elements. Scientists are still puzzling over how to reproduce a product with the same composition under artificial conditions.

By the way, in 1848 the miracle water was officially recognized as a national treasure of the country of romantics - France.

Vichy SPA cosmetics are rich in minerals and other valuable components that are necessary to nourish the skin. The composition of this thermal water is “multifaceted”. See for yourself 🙂

Thermal water is an absolutely pure, natural product. Does not contain preservatives or fragrances. In addition, it is hypoallergenic. The components of this cosmetic product penetrate deeply into different layers of the skin. They intensively restore tissues and enhance their protective properties.

Vichy SPA cosmetics have a wide spectrum of action:

  1. “turns on” the natural protection of the skin;
  2. relieves irritation;
  3. removes unpleasant sensations;
  4. activates tissue regeneration;
  5. refreshes and whitens the skin;
  6. actively protects the skin from negative external influences.

Manufacturers note that with constant use, after a week the redness area is reduced by 20%. Itching and burning are reduced by 52%. And skin dryness is reduced by more than 80%

Who is thermal water intended for?

This is simply an indispensable product for those with dry or hypersensitive skin. And if you have rosacea, psoriasis or rash, this product is also for you. After using it, itching and rash are significantly reduced. Yes, this is not surprising, because the miracle drug has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties.

Mineralizing, Vichy

Moreover, the Vichy SPA thermal bath is ideal for use in the autumn-winter period. At this time of year, the rooms are heated, so the air in the apartment is dry. This same cosmetic product literally instantly refreshes the skin. Tested on myself 🙂

In general, thermal water, according to the manufacturer, is intended for any skin type.

By the way, Vichy SPA thermal water is available in two versions. Spray can with a volume of 50 ml and a volume of 150 ml. I prefer to take a smaller container with me on trips. Such a can does not take up much space, but can be a real salvation.

Reviews of Vichy SPA thermal water

What do those who have tried this cosmetic product say? Reviews will speak more eloquently than the most sophisticated praises of the manufacturer. Judge for yourself:

Alina: Before buying a thermal heater, I carefully studied its composition, history of creation, etc. I did not use it for its intended purpose. Well, not in the face, I mean. I put on new shoes and rubbed my feet very hard on them. I decided to wipe the wounds with thermal water. By evening, my legs were completely healed. So, water is good not only for the face))

Tanya: This is a good remedy for dry air. I use it all the time in the summer too.

Lenchik: Enough water. But I received a defective bottle. Within a few days the dispenser was covered. In general, I threw away this bottle. It's a pity, of course.

Masha: I am delighted with this cosmetic product. The same as with all other Vichy products. I admit honestly, due to the fact that the price of this product is too high for me, I tried to replace it with other means. But none of this. I haven't found a better one yet.

Asya: It’s bad that you can’t use a thermal heater on an airplane. She's sorely missed there.

I completely agree with the last review. Cylinders and aerosols cannot be carried on the plane. And it’s so lacking in the dry air. My skin is starting to itch. Simply sprinkling with water does not help at all. Therefore, while I’m flying, I try to drink more water. And upon arrival, I already begin to moisturize my skin again. Recovery begins only 2-3 days after the flight.

How to use Vichy SPA thermal water

  1. Spray the thermal spray on your face at a distance of 35-40 cm.
  2. Leave the cosmetic on for 30 seconds.
  3. Gently blot the residue with a dry cloth.

Use this cosmetic before applying day or night cream. This product accelerates the penetration of nutritional components into the skin. The thermal bath can also be used after peeling and removing makeup.

In addition, you can take the Vichy SPA thermal bath as an additional component of a cosmetic mask. Or use it to refresh your face throughout the day. Don't be afraid that your makeup will look like a clown🙂 This will not happen if you follow the directions for use.

Questions and Answers

I have prepared for you answers to questions that worried me myself. I asked some on the official website If you have any more questions, ask in the comments to this article.

  1. Can thermal water be used when caring for a one-month-old baby?
  2. Vichy SPA thermal water is recommended for use from birth. It is absolutely safe. To eliminate flaking or redness of the skin, spray the product onto your baby’s cheeks 3-4 times a day. Spray for no more than 15 seconds. After such procedures, the baby’s skin will quickly calm down and the redness will disappear.
  3. Can a thermal bath be used to care for eyelids?
  4. Yes, this cosmetic product can be used to care for the eye area. You will need a couple of cotton pads. Moisten them with a thermal bath and place them on your eyelids. After 5 minutes, remove the disks. This time is enough for the delicate skin to be filled with healing moisture. Perform these procedures regularly. After just a week you will notice results.
  5. Are there any special instructions when it is best to apply thermal spray?
  6. The use of thermal water in skin care is not limited to morning and evening hours. This cosmetic product can be used at any time. I recommend keeping a spray can in your purse or at work. This will allow you to relieve irritation or reduce skin redness in a matter of minutes. Vichy SPA product is an ambulance for your skin.
  7. Is Vichy thermal water used to complete makeup?
  8. Yes, sure. This product can be used both at the final stage of cleansing and when finishing makeup. Spray thermal water on your face as much as you like. One more time won't hurt 🙂

Where is the best place to buy thermal water?

I order Vichy products on the official website of the manufacturing company I will list 5 reasons why it is more profitable to buy from the Vichy online store:

  1. With every order they give gifts. These are free samples of a new line or already known series of products. So nice!
  2. When making purchases, bonuses are awarded under the program. Then they can be exchanged for a wide variety of prizes: free flights, equipment, toys, etc.
  3. There is free delivery to any region of Russia (for orders over 2000 rubles)
  4. They often hold great promotions for one or another product line. I recently placed a small order and, in addition to a sample, they also added Vichy Normaderm micellar makeup remover lotion for free.
  5. Guaranteed storage conditions. It is on the official website that you will not be sold counterfeit or expired goods. All products are stored in a warehouse before being delivered to the buyer. Here it is provided with proper storage conditions.

That's why I always order Vichy products only on the official website. Here are links to 2 thermal options: