Terminal Thread

Currently, there are many different technologies that allow you to create unique and inimitable products. One of these technologies is terminal thread - an innovative product that allows you to produce textiles and fabrics of any complexity. Terminal thread is a material created using a new technology that differs from the traditional one. In essence, this method allows you to give fabrics a unique look and properties, as well as significantly improve their quality and cost.

The essence of thermal treatment is that a thread with a catalyst is attached to a vertically located thread of cotton or wool, that is, with a substance that causes the thread to transform. It is much more difficult to work with a catalyst than without it. The whole process consists of several steps: first, the thread is processed, kept in the fresh air for half an hour, and then placed under a press. Next, the thread is hung to cool. After this, it should be lowered into a reaction container, placed in a vacuum after an hour, and then returned to fresh air. All of the above procedures can be easily carried out at home with special equipment.

Terminal thread has a number of unique properties that make it indispensable in the production of fabrics and products for the home or office. Firstly, this thread is characterized by high strength, wear resistance and durability. Thus, it is possible