Thermo-Complex for Hair Loss

Thermocomplex against hair loss is an effective remedy designed to help with alopecia and other problems with hair follicles. Today we will get acquainted in more detail with the thermocomplex for hair loss from the Russian manufacturer Floresan, begin to study its properties and advantages, and also understand the composition of the product.

Manufacturer The Floresan company has been developing and producing cosmetics for skin and hair care for more than 20 years. It is based in Moscow and focuses specifically on Russian women and men with all their problems and desires.

This Russian manufacturer creates its cosmetics from natural ingredients, combining its innovations and modern scientific developments. The company's products are based on unique recipes invented by the research department. According to experts, the brand’s products have a wide range of different products for women and men - shampoos, gels, masks. That is, a complete hair care complex.

What is a thermocomplex for hair loss? As the name suggests, complex treatment is aimed at restoring the hair structure and strengthening the hair follicles. It consists of several components that have a beneficial effect on the follicles. The thermocomplex works thanks to a complex of active substances (synthetic and natural) that affect the formation of keratin inside the hair.

In the morning or evening, apply the Anti-Hair Loss Lotion ointment (or rub into the scalp). This needs to be done regularly, at least 3-4 weeks. Now the Lotion intensively affects the hair follicles, reducing the risk of hair loss and stopping the process of baldness.

Before use, be sure to read the contraindications: - Individual intolerance to the constituent components; - allergic reactions to components; - pregnancy; - lactation period (breastfeeding).

Benefits After applying the serum, hair loss activity decreases. If you use the Lotion for several months in a row, it will prevent the possibility of further deterioration of health. The composition of the Lotion is ideal for those who do not want to cut their hair. By using it, a person restores the health and beauty of hair without