Leukocytolysis test

Leukocytosis is a laboratory indicator that reflects an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood. This method for determining leukocytosis is called a quantitative method for diagnosing the inflammatory reaction of peripheral blood, characterized by a shift of the leukogram to the left to young neutrophils and the appearance of immature forms, an increase in ESR, a shift of the white blood count to the left and an increase in the leukocyte count to two norms (18-20 × 10⁹/l).

the blood is separated from the blood serum in a small amount (2-3 ml). In the well, the Gram tubes are mixed and left on the table at room temperature until the top layer of the transparent plate begins to lubricate (about 40 minutes by eye). after this, 50 μl of blood is taken from the top of each analyzer and added to the next Ikha-Lts-13 tube, mixing well. and the reagent is automatically washed off from the bottom of the test tube into the mixer of the next test tube.