
Typhlotransversostome is a surgical operation that is performed to restore the patency of the digestive tract in case of impaired emptying of the stomach and rectum. This condition can occur against the background of various diseases of the intestines or other digestive organs. During this operation, the surgeon creates an artificial opening at the junction of the rectum and transverse colon, which allows for the normal functioning of the digestive system as a whole.

The surgical intervention takes place in several stages. During the operation, the surgeon first cuts the colon, then makes an opening that connects the rectum and transverse colon. The artificially obtained hole is covered with a special gauze membrane, which ensures rapid healing of the wound. The postoperative period usually proceeds smoothly and without complications if the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations. The digestive system immediately after typhlotransverstomy begins to function more correctly, intestinal tone improves, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient. If you are concerned about the state of your digestive system, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will determine the indications for surgery and conduct appropriate diagnostics of the state of the digestive organs. In some cases, typhlotransvesomy may be an alternative to remove a tumor in the rectum or colostomy. By contacting a specialist, you can learn about all possible surgical treatment options and choose the best option for yourself.

"Typhlotransversostomy: surgical treatment of the belloperitoneal sac in oncology"

Currently, typhlotransversion is considered a planned or urgent operation for volumetric processes/neoplasms of the abdominal cavity extending beyond the posterior fornix/mesentery, during which ecstasy is performed (expansion/of the tumor conglomerate and its removal into the abdominal cavity) with the formation of a tunneling hole.

Colocoloperitonitis develops due to the following circumstances. - Acute (mechanical) blunt abdominal injuries. Damage is localized both intra-abdominal and extra-abdominal (directly in the projection of the abdominal wall). In victims, the transverse colon (TCC), sigmoid colon, cecum and its mesentery are most often injured, which are most often damaged due to the sliding of the hemetinal beds relative to each other. Prolapse of the intestinal wall can occur along any plane - for the sake of

Typhlotransvesestomy is a surgical operation to restore the rectum by splitting it (fistulization) into two segments. There are also options for splitting different parts of the colon.

Typhlotransversestoma is used for rectal obstruction and fistulas, as well as for prolonged intestinal stasis.