Tetrodotoxin (Tetrodotoxin)

Tetrodotoxin, also known as tetrodoxin, is one of the most potent neurotoxins that is secreted from the liver and ovaries of puffer fish, as well as other rock-toothed fish species and some species of newts. Its action can lead to death in 50% of cases. This substance has no antidote and its effects on the human body can be fatal.

Tetrodoxin acts on the nervous system, causing paralysis and respiratory arrest. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system and respiratory function.

The first sign of poisoning is nausea and vomiting. Then convulsions, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest and death appear. If a person survives, he may remain disabled, since damage to the nervous system may be irreversible.

It is now known that tetrodotoxin is contained in the meat of puffer fish and other rock-toothed fish species, so eating them can cause poisoning. However, some species of newts also contain this toxin.

Although there is no known antidote for tetrodoxin, there are treatments that can help reduce its effects. For example, gastric lavage and activated charcoal can help remove toxins from the body. It is also recommended to seek medical attention if you suspect tetrotoxin poisoning.

Thus, tetrodoxin is a very dangerous substance that can cause fatal poisoning if consumed. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing food and avoid eating puffer fish or other rock-toothed fish. It is also important to be aware of possible sources of this toxin and take precautions when working with them.

Tetrodotoxin: Deadly poisonous substance with no known antidote

Tetrodotoxin is one of the most potent neurotoxins that is produced in the liver and ovaries of the Japanese dog fish (fugu), as well as in other rock-toothed fish and some newts. This poisonous chemical compound is a known nerve toxin, making fugu one of the most dangerous gourmet fish in the world.

Tetrodotoxin was first discovered in 1909 by Japanese scientist Takesaburo Matsushima, who isolated it from fugu liver. This toxin is very stable and resistant to heat treatment, so its presence in fish can pose a serious threat to human health.

Consuming food containing tetrodotoxin can cause serious health problems. The action of the toxin is aimed at blocking voltage-gated sodium channels, which play an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses in the body. This leads to muscle paralysis and disruption of the normal functioning of the heart and lungs. The result is loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing and heart failure. The mortality rate from tetrodotoxin poisoning is estimated to be approximately 50%.

It is surprising that despite the high toxicity of tetrodotoxin, there is still no known antidote for it. This means that in case of tetrodotoxin poisoning, medical care may be limited to symptomatic treatment and maintenance of vital body functions.

It is interesting to note that tetrodotoxin is not produced by the fish itself, but is a product of the biosynthesis of bacteria that are in symbiosis with its body. It is believed that fish obtain the toxin from their food and accumulate it in certain tissues and organs, especially the liver and ovaries.

Due to the dangers associated with eating fugu, governments around the world have strict rules and requirements for preparing and serving this fish. Qualified chefs must have a special certificate allowing them to cook fugu and remove dangerous parts of the fish to minimize the risk of tetrodotoxin poisoning.

In conclusion, tetrodotoxin is one of the most powerful neurotoxins found in nature. It is isolated from the liver and ovaries of certain fish species, such as fugu, and can cause serious health effects in humans, including muscle paralysis, breathing problems and heart failure. However, despite its danger, there is still no known antidote for tetrodotoxin. Therefore, it is very important to follow precautions and rules when preparing and consuming fish containing this poisonous toxin to avoid poisoning and its negative consequences.