The Influence of Heredity on Children

Heredity is one of the main reasons why children inherit various characteristics and diseases from their parents. Heredity can be transmitted both genetically and epigenetically, that is, through changes in gene expression. In this article we will look at what diseases and characteristics can be passed on from parents to children.

  1. Inheritance of characteristics

Children inherit all the good and bad characteristics of their parents to an increased extent. For example, if parents are very athletic, then the likelihood that their children will also play sports is high. On the other hand, if parents suffer from some disease, then there is a chance that their children will also get sick.

  1. Epilepsy

If one parent suffers from epilepsy, the likelihood that the children will also suffer from the disease increases. However, if both parents suffer from epilepsy, then the likelihood that their children will also suffer from the disease is even higher.

  1. Diabetes

If both parents have diabetes, their children are more likely to have the disease as well than if only one parent has the disease.

  1. Nervous and mental illnesses

Nervous and mental illnesses, including insanity, are transmitted from parents to children up to 50%. This happens if the patient’s parents or blood relatives also suffered from these diseases.

  1. Alcoholism

Persistent alcoholism in parents can affect the health and development of their children. A persistent drunkard father changes the cells of the embryo, leading to physical deformity of the child, and a drunkard mother influences the mental and spiritual development of the child, contributing to the birth of idiots, cretins and degenerates.

  1. Syphilis

Syphilis in one or both parents can result in children being born with abnormal behavior such as theft, murder and sadism. Moreover, the influence of the age of syphilitic parents on the psychophysical character of children is as follows: thieves are usually born from very young parents; scammers - from middle-aged parents; murderers, sadists - from mature parents.

  1. Physical deformities

Physical deformities, such as cleft lip, animal hairiness, more fingers than expected, etc., can be passed on from parents to children through several generations.

As a result, heredity plays an important role in the health and development of children. However, we should not forget about the environment, which also affects the health and development of children. It is important to monitor your health and the health of your children, carry out preventive measures and receive timely treatment for illnesses in order to reduce the risks of transmitting hereditary diseases and characteristics.