Physical Development of the Infant

The physical development of a baby is one of the main aspects of caring for a baby. From the first days of a child’s life, it is necessary to monitor his physical development and carry out a number of health-improving measures.

The first months of a child's life are called the neonatal period. During this period, the baby’s body adapts to new living conditions. Important processes are the establishment of pulmonary respiration, the functioning of the digestive tract and thermoregulation. The nervous system is still immature due to the imperfection of the cerebral cortex, and only unconditioned reflexes are expressed.

The next period is the infancy period, which lasts the first year of life. During this period, the functions of the central nervous system begin to improve, conditioned reflexes are developed, movements are formed, and weight and height quickly increase.

Every child should start doing physical exercises from 1.5-2 months of age. By this time, the baby’s body adapts to environmental conditions - a certain lifestyle is established, the process of thermoregulation is improved.

Massage and gymnastics are carried out in a well-ventilated room at an air temperature of + 20 to 22 degrees, and in the summer not lower than + 22 degrees. Classes are conducted on a table covered with a flannelette blanket, a small oilcloth and a diaper; the adult’s hands should be clean and dry.

Massage and gymnastic exercises are carried out carefully, gently, without violence and at a slow pace, because... In an infant, the skin, muscles, ligaments, and skeletal system are very delicate. During classes, try to maintain a good, joyful mood in your child, talk to him.

The first months of life, health activities are limited to massage, the direction of movements should coincide with the direction of lymph flow. Therefore, the hands are massaged from the hand to the shoulder and armpits, and the legs from the feet and legs to the groin. The massage techniques are simple: mainly stroking and rubbing with the palm and fingers. The duration of each reception is no more than 1 minute.

Hygiene measures are especially useful for children who have any deviations in health or physical development. Massage should precede gymnastic exercises; before performing movements with your arms and legs, you should massage them. The selection of exercises and sets of exercises can be used when working with a healthy, properly developing child, but in case of deviations in the state of health and general development of the child, it is necessary to consult a doctor every time.

As the child grows, the time allocated for massage decreases, and for gymnastic exercises increases. It is important to remember that each child is individual, and it is necessary to approach classes taking into account his characteristics and capabilities.

Carrying out physical exercises and massage helps improve blood circulation, stimulate muscle tone, strengthen ligaments and the skeletal system, as well as develop coordination of movements. This also contributes to the development of mental processes and the child’s perception of the world.

It is important to remember that physical exercise is not a panacea and cannot replace proper child care, proper nutrition and sleep. However, properly organized classes can become an important element of caring for the health and development of the child.

In conclusion, a baby's physical development is an important aspect of his health and development. It is necessary to start classes from 1.5-2 months of age, conduct them carefully and gently, selecting exercises and sets of exercises taking into account the characteristics of each child. Properly organized activities help improve the physical and mental development of the baby.