
Thermohypesthesia: what is it and how does it affect us?

Thermohypesthesia is a concept that describes a change in sensitivity to the temperature of our bodies as a result of exposure to external factors. It consists of two parts: “thermo” means temperature, and “hypesthesia” means decreased sensitivity.

Thus, thermohypesthesia can manifest itself as either a decrease or an increase in sensitivity to temperature. For example, with prolonged exposure to cold water, our skin may lose the ability to respond to temperature changes, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity - this is hypoesthesia. On the other hand, if we are in a hot room, our skin may become more sensitive to temperature, which is manifested by an increase in sensitivity - this is thermohypoesthesia.

Thermohypesthesia can affect our body as a whole. For example, if we are in an environment that is too cold, our body may begin to experience stress, which in turn can lead to various diseases. On the other hand, if we are in an environment that is too hot, it can lead to dehydration, headaches, and in some cases, heat stroke.

To avoid the negative consequences of thermohypoesthesia, it is important to monitor the temperature conditions around us and take measures to maintain comfortable conditions for our body. For example, in hot weather we can increase the amount of fluid we drink to avoid dehydration, and in cold weather we can wear warm clothes and shoes to keep our body warm.

Thus, thermohypoesthesia is an important concept that helps us better understand how our body reacts to temperature changes. By monitoring the temperature conditions around us and taking measures to maintain comfortable conditions for our body, we can avoid the negative consequences of thermohypoesthesia and maintain our health and well-being.