Relapsing typhus Tick-borne

Relapsing fever > A medical term that describes an infection caused by Borrelia recurrentis and causes fever, asthenia, and a skin rash that in some cases can be confused with smallpox.

General information

Recurrent tick-borne or endemic typhus (lat. typhus recurens endemicus) is an infection that is caused by a parasitic microorganism of the spirochete genus Borrelia recurrens. This disease is prevalent mainly in temperate and warm climates and is characterized by its tendency to recur even after recovery; it is mainly transmitted by ticks, which can become infected through mosquitoes. It occurs with characteristic signs of asthenia, febrile crises and rash in the first 3 days of illness. With a prolonged course or chronic form, changes in the central nervous system are possible. Clinical signs also have