Type of Higher Nervous Activity: Mental

While working in educational institutions, a person may encounter complexity or misunderstanding of information. This is all connected with the characteristics of a person, his brain, and psyche as a whole. Depending on the type of higher nervous activity and its characteristics, a person will perceive different things with different coefficients, which is why difficulties sometimes arise. So let's look at what different types of nervous activity can lead to.

The most common type of higher nervous is excitatory. If the excitatory part has low levels, this leads to hyperactivity of the nervous system. And, conversely, with high excitability, a person experiences restlessness, anxiety and various fears. There are also mixed types

Definition and description of thinking type

The type of higher nervous activity is called the mental type if the following signs are present: - with a stimulus of low strength or its absence, the reaction is the absence of any reaction, inhibition - the same signal triggers approximately the same reactions - conditioned reflexes are developed slowly (but their development is also possible). Thinking types are divided into: - into “pure” intellectuals - jumping from one to another - inert - artistic. Features of thinking of different types It is very easy to distinguish yourself from the intellectual type. It is characterized by the following features that an attentive person will immediately notice: 1. during an oratorical speech, he speaks little, makes short pauses in speech, rearranges words in sentences or proper names 2. in the case of intellectual thinking, most often there is complete indifference to the feelings of other people, because there is no place for emotions 3. slowness in reaction (if necessary) 4. slow speech, speech without unnecessary words - only to the point 5. conscious speech, high culture of expressing thoughts in writing 6. a minimum of gestures (not enough movements and facial expressions). Most well-educated people have this type of thinking, and scientists are almost all representatives of this type. This type is less common among personnel of government institutions. An artistic type of thinking, the main feature is the extremely low productivity of this type, the pace is below average. Otherwise, like any other, the art type has the following features: 1) low speed of completing current affairs 2) high breadth of intellect (large vocabulary) 3) a tendency to extravagant ways of expressing one’s thoughts 4) to sports that require physical manifestation 5) lacks patience - after several failures in the creative process, he throws the work he started to hell 6) high abilities and skill in favorite thing. Signs of a “jumping” type: 7) impulsiveness of character, short temper with low sensitivity to the experiences of others 8) self-centeredness (requires constant supervision ) 9) unpredictability of actions. Often this person is a leader, since he is characterized not only by an ideological readiness to throw himself into solving any problems, but also by developed intuition, thanks to which he senses the inevitability of an event. 1

The type of higher nervous activity “Mental” is one of the four types of higher nervous activity, which belongs to the group of analytical types. This type is characterized by a high ability to analyze and synthesize information, which allows a person to quickly process a large amount of data and make decisions based on the results obtained.

Mental activity is closely related to the work of the brain and occupies a special place in our thinking. Thinking is the process of thinking, perceiving, understanding and transforming the world around us, which allows us to identify the essential properties and relationships of objects and phenomena and solve various problems and issues.

But in order to think, it is necessary to process information, and for this we need a thinking apparatus that is responsible for information processes and analysis of the information received. The human brain has a number of unique features, such as a high degree of development of the cerebral cortex, the presence of a speech center (speech zone) and other areas responsible for speech, symbolic processing of images and concepts. As a result, a person can think abstractly, create new images and concepts, reason, and argue his thoughts.

This is why mental activity is so important for a person. It allows him to analyze the surrounding reality, understand the basic principles and laws that govern the world, realize his needs and capabilities, and adjust his behavior to external conditions. Thanks to this, people can act effectively and intelligently, achieving their goals and overcoming difficulties.

However, there is also a downside to mental activity. Frequent use and manipulation of information can lead to information overload or burnout. This happens when a person cannot rest and relax, his activity becomes ineffective and less productive. Therefore, it is important to be able to alternate periods of intense work with periods of rest and relaxation in order to maintain high productivity at work and take care of your physical and mental health.

The main features of thinking: speed and accuracy, flexibility and plasticity, awareness and criticality. A person must be able to determine his subjective and objective factors that influence his ability to think. For example, this could be the level of brain activity or its state at the time of solving a problem. It is also important to monitor your psychological health and be able to self-regulate in order to maintain high performance and productivity throughout the workday.

In general, the “Thinking” type of higher nervous activity is an important component of human consciousness and represents a complex system of interaction between human nervous and physiological activity. Human thinking, playing a huge role in the development of mankind and the progress of science, at the same time requires constant development and work to improve the quality of thinking.

Higher nervous activity is a set of processes of nervous excitation and inhibition that arise as a result of the influence of objects, phenomena, events, movements and other stimuli in the surrounding world. In most cases, in the process of life, we interact with the environment around us and are exposed to many stimuli. Brain activity is subject to two main processes: arousal and braking. It is generally accepted that brain activity is a process of relaxation or, on the contrary, excessive activity. The work of our brain forces it to work with its internal processes.

Thinking is the highest form of reflection of reality, purposeful active cognition. It is an indirect and generalized reflection of events and phenomena of reality, which is carried out using logical operations. Reflexes are innate unconditioned reflexes that are aimed at maintaining important life processes for the body. They provide interaction with reality and normal life activities.

The type of higher nervous system is distinguished by mental activity, which has a more complex organization. This type of nervous activity has two criteria: in some cases there is a weakness of external inhibition, causing high distractibility and instability of attention in other cases, subjects exhibit rapid exhaustion of nervous processes due to insufficient self-control

Thinking person syndrome is a term used to describe diligent people who are prone to deep analysis of their thoughts and experiences. But this does not mean that such a person is necessarily slow-witted and is not able to make decisions quickly This state can be characterized as follows: a person is inclined to think a lot, analyze, make various arguments, put forward hypotheses, but is not inclined see different solutions to a problem, give an answer right away, act in a pattern, do not acutely experience the variability of the situation, are not inclined to think and play out different options differently, but according to a pattern. That is, these people seem to live in their own world, often consider themselves smarter than everyone else and try to humiliate people