Thyrotomy (Thyrotomy)

Everyone has heard something about the thyroid gland, right? It is located on the neck near the Adam's apple, throat, and most people even feel it a little, but most likely they did not know about this strange cartilage nearby. A surgical procedure called thyroidectomy is one example of surgical procedures that are performed on the thyroid gland and typically refer to thyroid problems (diseases). The thyroid gland plays an important role in hormonal regulation of our body, which is tuned to metabolism and energy creation.

The function of the thyroid gland is to produce two hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The first examples of these would be TSH (pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone) and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and these can be divided into two categories. The first type is prepared and transmitted by the pituitary gland, while the second comes directly from the gland. Thyroid-stimulating hubbub is associated with diffuse goiter adenoma and Graves' disease, other difficulties in the functioning of the thyroid gland, problems of the endocrine system and energy disturbances. An enlarged gland can also lead to hypothyroidism, which has a very bad effect on the body. If a person experiences symptoms associated with the endocrine problems described above, then they should immediately seek medical help from a qualified doctor. Treatment is different for different patients; some may undergo thyroidectomy while others require medication. In general, the goal of treating thyroid disease is to improve the patient's health and quality of life. This is what we are going to talk about today!

What is thyrotomy? Thyrotomy is a surgical procedure that