Acne spot treatments reviews

Acne, needless to say, brings great discomfort to the life of almost every teenager, and many adults suffer from this scourge no less. It often seems that it is impossible to get rid of it, but you should not give up - you just need to know how to defeat acne. There are many ways and means by which this struggle will be effective; it remains to understand what exactly will lead to victory in a particular case.

More efficient and better

First you need to figure out what a pimple is and why it appears. In the vast majority of cases, blockage of the sebaceous gland is accompanied by infection, resulting in an inflammatory process that leads to the appearance of spotty redness. Oily skin types are more susceptible to such phenomena; acne, comedones and pimples appear more easily on them. Curing them is not easy, the process is quite long, but nothing is impossible.

Medicines and preparations for this purpose are divided into groups corresponding to the nature of their effect on the condition of the skin; it is this condition that is the main criterion for determining the necessary remedy. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to purchase rather expensive drugs from a pharmacy chain; high-quality medicine can be easily prepared at home.

It is worth paying attention to each of the groups of drugs that can cope with acne.

Acne spot treatment: how it works

If the acne is small, up to seven, good results can be achieved with a spot treatment for acne. They target a specific pimple without affecting the surrounding normal tissue. Popular - and recommended - are gel products such as "Dalacin" and "Baziron", and "Zinerit" is also effective.

Ready-made spot treatments for acne help because they are based on antibiotics, zinc or benzoyl peroxide, substances that are indispensable in antibacterial terms. Vaseline-based ointments are good - zinc, salicylic and sulfur. They are also used only locally, since Vaseline itself causes blockage of skin pores, but certain products in this group are so effective that they even treat trophic ulcers.

A folk spot remedy for acne, reviews of alcohol-based tinctures of birch tar, propolis and calendula, and tea tree oil indicate their effectiveness.

While washing

Skin prone to acne should be washed with special products. Moreover, in the case of oily skin, it is necessary to wash your face before applying cosmetics, and after removing makeup, it is strictly necessary. And be sure to keep in mind that the effect of any such spot cream for acne is local, which means that in the presence of metabolic disorders, hormonal ailments and some other diseases, which result in disruption of the epidermis and restoration of its cells, complex treatment involving narrow specialist.

Cleansers contain antibiotics or azelaic acid. They should be used for a month to two, otherwise the effect cannot be achieved. However, such gels have serious contraindications and side effects - to avoid trouble, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. Another thing is preventive means; they can be used for quite a long time. The latter include various lotions with plant extracts - nettle, aloe, chamomile and others. In this case, regular preventive use is also important.

Drying effect

As mentioned, pimples and acne appear first on oily skin, and drying products bring good results. Almost all such preparations are based on salicylic acid, some have an alcohol base and care must be taken with them to avoid peeling.

Homemade drying remedies for acne - in particular, lemon, clay, egg white, grapefruit juice. They are used to prepare wipes, masks, and additives in washing gels. After masks and wipes, the residue must be thoroughly washed off the face.

Acne in adolescence

Acne in teenagers is a separate problem; they are much more common than those that appear due to illness. To get rid of the disease and prevent its recurrence, you need to follow certain lifestyle rules.

The main thing is to choose a healthy diet rich in vitamins and microelements.

Carbonated drinks should be excluded, sweets and coffee kept to a minimum. Instead, you can drink natural juices without restrictions; besides, vegetables and fruits, yoghurts, kefir, and dairy products with bifidobacteria are also useful. Following a rational diet will lead to normalization of metabolism, proper protein synthesis and, as a result, to streamlining the natural regeneration of the skin and the absence of acne.

Cosmetics should contain natural ingredients, but even with this you need to know when to stop. In addition, tar soap, boric alcohol mixtures, as well as yeast masks and the same salicylic ointment will help treat acne.

Acne scar removal

The wrong method of treatment, and even more so squeezing out pimples, often causes scars and scars in their place. What exactly to use to remove them depends on the severity of the scar. So, if the defects are subtle, you can use drugs based on 2% hydroquinone.

If the defects are deep and have a pronounced dark color, it is worth trying creams such as Mederma, Brightener or Skin Bright. Creams of this type have an excellent whitening effect; they can rid your face of scars in just a month or two.

For especially deep scars, you need to contact a specialist who will issue a prescription for a drug with 4% hydroquinone. Along with it, you need to use various fruit masks, whitening creams, and you can do peeling.

Homemade, folk recipes

Effective relief from troubles can be carried out not only with drugs sold in pharmacies, but also with formulations prepared according to folk recipes at home. The advantage of the latter is that, for example, unlike the pharmacy range, herbs can be used even by pregnant women - acne during this period is not at all uncommon.

You can apply garlic pulp to a face previously treated with cream or Vaseline, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Crushed oatmeal gives excellent results when mixed with egg whites. This mixture is infused for one hour and immediately applied to the face. Or this recipe - apply a mixture of equal proportions of onion and potato juices to your face for a while and rinse with cold water.

Daily rubbing with raspberry, strawberry or strawberry juice is beneficial. You can infuse the berries by pouring ordinary vodka over them, and the resulting solution must be filtered. Rubbing with decoctions of sage, celandine, even plain water in which fir oil is dissolved or vinegar, only slightly dissolved, will be effective. A huge amount of various vitamins are contained in pumpkin and cucumber pastes - starch can be added here to improve drying. This mixture is kept on the skin for no more than half an hour.

Whipped protein will surely help keratinized skin; it dries almost immediately after lubrication, and the resulting film is removed, taking the dead skin layer with it. After applying the protein, you will need to lubricate your face with another nourishing and antiseptic cream.

In general, herbal decoctions, ice, and berry scrubs can be used every day. Any mask is applied exclusively to clean skin, and if the product dries quickly, then a second layer is applied to the first layer. To illustrate the effect produced, it is worth taking a photograph before the start of treatment, and upon completion, compare the photo with yourself in the mirror.

Inexpensive but effective pharmaceutical drugs

Not all acne treatments available in pharmacies are expensive. There are a number of ointments, for example salicylic and streptocidal. The first is directly indicated for combating acne, the second has a strong bactericidal effect and can be used two to three times a day. Olive oil mixed with aspirin, doxycycline or streptocide will also help with acne. Syntomycin or sulfur ointment will cope with bacteria, and zinc ointment can dry out the rash.

Other types of drugs from pharmacies

There are a number of other factory-made drugs that have shown themselves to be excellent and have earned the best reviews. For example, the same “Baziron” - cream or gel - it is based on lipids and fatty acids. The course of treatment will be 2 weeks, using twice a day. It should be borne in mind that the effect of treatment will not appear earlier than after a month.

Among the fairly numerous products that can help a person fight the problem of acne, one can also mention Aknebay gel, Clearasil, Proactive, Retin-A - the list goes on for a long time. The noticeable results of use vary, as does the duration of acceptable treatment with them, but each of them is effective. In order to choose the optimal remedy, take into account all sorts of nuances and avoid side effects, of course, it is very advisable - and sometimes mandatory - to consult a doctor.

Sports, nutrition, OK, ointments, peelings, antibiotics, ROACCUTENE - just write who came to what and who ultimately helped.
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Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

My acne broke out either because I quit smoking, or because of self-tanning, whatever. I struggled for half a year and nothing helped. squeezed it out, then cleaned it and the skin became like a baby’s. At first you could see traces of these pimples, but now everything is ok (ttt).

Well, my diet includes a lot of green tea and many hours of exhausting jogging in the fresh air. What is there to do? I took it, fell in love, appreciated myself, and decided to be beautiful!

Zenerite. I used it for 4 months and didn’t remember any more acne for 4 years, then they tried to get rid of it, I used it again for a couple of months and again they still didn’t try. It either fits perfectly, or for some people it quickly becomes addictive and doesn’t help at all.
I recommended it to two friends, and they also got it done with a bang.

and the main feature: I finally took a foam sponge for myself and use it to wash my face with oatmeal, my skin has changed significantly until it’s no longer moisturized by creams, I make masks from cucumber and wipe with aloe

Differin at night, peelings in the fall. Avene creams.

Related topics

In the morning, oatmeal (I don’t want to), face baby cream + olive oil. If you have acne on your back, you need to give up fatty foods and alcohol.

Regular body cleansing. and Russian Bathhouse.

I pulled myself together and finally went to a cosmetologist. She sent me for tests. I checked my hormones - everything is normal. I went to the gynecologist - he said that OCs can give an unpredictable effect and there are no guarantees (I may gain weight, I may get headaches, etc.).
I returned to the cosmetologist. She wrote me:
- vitamins zinc and A
— gel Dalacin spot + Klenzit for the whole face in the evening
— Delex lotion (as I understand it, antibactericidal)
And the most important thing is to wash your face both in the morning and in the evening (previously I washed my face only in the morning).
And a course of peelings.
Helped me =)
No sports, no diet.

Only Skinoren helped me.

I tried both zenerite and skinoren and I can confidently say that anyone who has used zenerite will not switch to skinoren

Zenerite helps very well, but only as long as you use it. So for the long term I switched to Differin. I used it every evening for six months and there were no acne for about 4-5 months.
But I didn’t have a very bad one - so, two or three pimples would pop up.

clinics, 3-step system

Visit to a gastroenterologist

Dalatsin C, not in tablets, but liquid. Apply to pimples, and they disappear after 2 days.

Oh, I haven’t tried anything! Some helped (not much and not for long), some didn’t. Only pregnancy radically solved the problem :)

Holly Land Super Lotion (non-alcohol lotion for dissolving closed comedones based on natural ingredients)

OK once upon a time.
and calendula also helped, drink a glass of the decoction in the morning, while I drank there were no acne

While Yarina was drinking, they were not there, then they stopped - they appeared as usual. OZONE cosmetics for problem skin helped, but now they have stopped supplying them to Russia. I'm trying to find substitutes - La Roche Posay. doesn't really help. I'll try Bioderma.

Triple cologne + 10 tablets of levomethicin.
My son's terrible teenage acne has gone away.

Facial cleansing in the salon (mechanical, manual), a week later another cleansing, then salon peelings + Bioderma line to maintain the result, it is sold in pharmacies. But I had a little acne, mostly on my cheeks.

Tar soap and olive oil.

Zenerit helped me. True, I didn’t have severe acne, just a little on my forehead and temples.
For those who have it very badly, it is better to go to the doctor; after all, the problem is serious.

Levomecithin alcohol - put it on a cotton swab and wipe it off like lotion, and when it dries, I then powder it and you can walk around all day. It is sold at the pharmacy, only if you are going on a date, do not wipe your face with it, it will be bitter to kiss. In terms of time, use it every day until you see results, then less often.

In adolescence I got rid of it with the help of zenerite. 6-7 years later, zenerite stopped helping. Now only waiver of rights, incl. chips, crackers, alcohol (even light, especially wine), fatty and fried.

running in the air, a lot of water, giving up chocolate, switched to regular baby cream, moisturizing, after various expensive cosmetics.

yes, also peeling with oatmeal and an oatmeal mask once a week. It took me a long time to realize that many of the pimples were from various luxury peelings. See a cosmetologist for a massage and a mask, once every month or two.

Bifiron and Amulet Miralux

Zenerit, baziron cream, baby powder

Peels, tar soap, calendula tincture, salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide. do not squeeze pimples, pick less at the skin on your face, use nourishing cream in winter, buy good cosmetics and use them to a minimum, do not eat chips, etc.

Tar soap helps me very well!

nothing helped for years!! Ice helped in the end. regular ice with chamomile. It didn't really get rid of acne marks. For traces you need another remedy

Regular body cleansing. and Russian Bathhouse.

Regular body cleansing. and Russian Bathhouse.

What is this? medicine or cosmetic? Thank you

giving up chocolate and coffee
zenerite (only while you use it)
Evalar triad helped super (I don’t know why)

Absolute abstinence from sweets helped.

Oatmeal with water helps

Almost cured chronic allergic rhinitis. operation, the result was not long in coming. like this.
The oatmeal diet definitely helps if you cook it only with water, but you won’t last that long. As soon as you go off the diet, everything comes back.
my conclusion is that it makes sense to look for sources of bacterial growth, chronic inflammation and treat them

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Convenient patches, classic creams and light therapy



Many of us experience skin inflammation.: This could be pimples that appear before menstruation, reactions to cosmetics, the effects of stress or acne. In the latter case, as always, we recommend not to self-medicate, consult a doctor when choosing home care products, and treat your skin as carefully as possible during periods of exacerbations. And for everyone else who wants to keep the most economical and effective SOS product in stock, we show seven products that can cope with individual acne in a short time - we draw your attention to the fact that the products differ in composition, methods of action and purposes.


The brand has a scary mask for light treatments, but we advise you to choose a “magic wand” that is convenient to use precisely. The certain effectiveness of light therapy for controlling acne has been proven by a number of studies: first of all, they talk about blue light, which stops and reduces acne caused by the bacteria P. acnes, but some gadgets also use red light - the latter penetrates deeper into the skin, although it shows more modest results. Overall, keep in mind that light alone is unlikely to provide complete care for acne-prone skin. Moreover, such a gadget will not eliminate inflammation forever, but in combination with suitable cosmetics it can help prevent exacerbation and quickly reduce existing inflammation.


Strictly not for sensitive skin: it contains alcohol and a whole salad of plant extracts. However, the main ingredient here is salicylic acid, thanks to which the product dries out inflammation well. It is convenient to use it at night, taking it directly from the jar with a cotton swab: by the morning the inflammation is unlikely to disappear, but will become much less noticeable. It is not intended for acne and painful pimples, but specifically for those cases when the skin reacts with local rashes that will disappear one way or another - the process will simply speed up significantly. During the day, it is better not to apply the gel in combination with Sanskrin and makeup: the product should form a film and remain on clean skin for some time.


Also salicylic acid, the same principle of action: a tiny “patch” remains on the skin for several hours and dries out acne. However, patches soaked in the product greatly outperform treatment products in jars and tubes due to their format: they will protect the inflamed area, allow you to apply makeup without affecting pimples, and are extremely hygienic when traveling. However, it is best to do a sensitivity test before purchasing (or know that tea tree oil does not cause additional irritation for you). The package contains four plates with twelve patches on each - quite a respectable amount. True, the final price for such convenience is still higher than that of a non-mobile home bank.


Another type of patch at a reasonable price can be found from the Koreans - the composition impregnating them will not contain exclusive ingredients, but the bottom line is that they give the same effect when used correctly (that is, do not place too much hope on a tiny “patch”). They noticeably dry and reduce inflammation, which is clearly visible on the surface of the skin, but cannot cope with subcutaneous ones - their very structure and the absorbent cellulose resin in the composition simply create an environment for the rapid “ripening” of a pimple. Like the previous ones, they do not conflict with makeup and are suitable for daytime use.


The correct opaque packaging with a hygienic spout contains 20 ml of product - a compact tube will last for a very long time. The updated Kiehl's bestseller contains a high concentration of sulfur - 10% - which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and AHA acid, which dries out inflammation. It’s not worth using too often and for any reason, but with a single use on individual inflammations, it works great: it completely removes some at night, and apparently reduces some and does not allow them to “grow” further. It also shows good results on post-acne spots, that is, after several uses it noticeably lightens them.


The Effaclar range of products, due to the composition containing branded thermal water, is not suitable for all acne-prone and inflammation-prone skin owners - it is better to consult a doctor and carefully look at the composition before purchasing, however, many praise the products from this line. Spot creams are no worse than the famous cleansers in the sense that they are practically incapable of causing subsequent irritation and can also be used when acne worsens: if the product does not suit you, most likely you will simply not see any effect. The effect is quite serious: the product interacts with bacteria and stops the further development of inflammation, slightly exfoliates areas of the skin and promotes the rapid healing of acne.


A product that does not work miracles and works, like most Korean patches, rather to protect inflammation and create isolation for it from external factors. The composition contains tea tree oil, so the patches, again, are not suitable for everyone, but in the absence of sensitivity they will be good helpers if you want to quickly say goodbye to a couple of inflammations. The inscription on the packaging convinces us that the stickers are supposed to be used at night, but if you tend to move around the bed in different positions throughout your sleep, they, like any patches, will inevitably come off. Take it on a plane or a trip - there are only ten pieces in a pack.