-Tom (-Tome)

Tom (-Tome)

Tom is a suffix that is used to form words for various cutting tools.

This suffix comes from the Greek word "tomos", which means "cut, cut". It is attached to the stem of the word, indicating that the tool is intended for cutting or sectioning something.

Some examples of words with the suffix -tom:

  1. Microtome is a tool for obtaining thin sections of biological tissues for microscopic studies.

  2. Cryotome is a device for freezing and cutting tissue for histological examination.

  3. Osteotome is a surgical instrument for splitting or cutting bone tissue.

  4. Keratotome is a tool for making incisions in the cornea of ​​the eye during surgical operations.

  5. Laryngotome is a tool for cutting the larynx.

Thus, the suffix -tom indicates that the word denotes a cutting instrument designed for cutting or sectioning specific materials or fabrics. This is a useful form of word formation for such specialized tools.

Tom (-Tome)

Tom (-tome) is a suffix that is used in words to denote a cutting tool.

The suffix comes from the Greek word "tomos", which means "to cut" or "cut". When added to the stem of the word, it indicates that the tool is intended for cutting or cutting something.

For example:

  1. Microtome is a tool for obtaining thin sections of biological samples (tissues, cells, etc.) for subsequent study under a microscope.

  2. A cryotome is a tool for obtaining sections of frozen biological samples.

  3. Laryngotome is a surgical knife for cutting the larynx.

  4. Osteotome is a dental or surgical instrument for cutting bone tissue.

Thus, the suffix -tom indicates that the word refers to a tool used for cutting or shearing something. This helps to better understand the purpose and nature of a particular tool by its name.

Tom (-Tome): suffix denoting a cutting tool

The suffix -tome (-tome) is one of the most common medical terms. It refers to a tool used to cut or cut fabrics or other materials. This suffix comes from the Greek word "τομή" (tomē), which means "cutting" or "cutting".

One of the most famous instruments ending in -tom is the microtome. This is a device used to obtain thin sections of tissue or other materials for analysis under a microscope. A microtome can be mechanical or electrical, and is used in medicine, scientific research, and other fields.

Additionally, there are also other tools that use the -tom suffix. For example, a dermatome is an instrument used in surgery to produce skin grafts for transplantation. An osteotome is an instrument used in orthopedics and surgery to cut bones.

There are also many other instruments ending in -tom that are used in various fields of medicine and science. Some are more specialized than others and can only be used for certain procedures or surgeries.

In conclusion, the suffix -tom is an important element in medical terminology and denotes instruments used for cutting or cutting tissue or other materials. Microtome, dermatome and osteotome are just a few of the many instruments that use this suffix. Each of them has its own unique features and applications, and they play important roles in various fields of medicine and science.

Tom (-Tome)

Tom is a suffix denoting a cutting tool. For example, a microtome is an instrument for obtaining thin sections of biological samples and tissues for subsequent study under a microscope.

The suffix "tom" comes from the Greek word "tomos", which means "cut, cut". It is often used in the names of scientific instruments designed for cutting, sectioning or dissecting materials.

Other examples of words with the suffix "-tom" include:

  1. Phototome is a tool for obtaining sections of photopolymer materials.

  2. A cryotome is a tool for obtaining sections of frozen tissue.

  3. Dermatome is a surgical instrument for removing flaps of skin.

  4. Laryngotome (laryngotomy) - a scalpel for cutting the larynx.

  5. Phytotome is a tool for cutting plants.

Thus, the suffix "-tom" indicates that the word denotes some kind of cutting, cutting or dissecting instrument, most often used for scientific or medical purposes.