
Certainly! I can write an article about the peeling toner using the descriptions you provided. Here she is:


Introduction: Peeling tonics are cosmetic products that are used to cleanse and care for the skin. They can come in different forms and manufacturers, but they are all designed to care for different skin types. In this article we will look at the main characteristics and benefits of peeling tonic.

1. **Description:**

* Product name: Tonic – Peeling; * Manufacturer: WTO (Russia); * Release form: gel tonic; 2. International name: no; 3. Group of drugs: Cosmetics; 4. Product properties: - Deep cleansing of the skin; - Exfoliation of dead cells; - Rejuvenation and nutrition; 5. Ingredients: no 6. Contraindications: no 7


Modern cosmetology offers many products for facial skin care. But aside from basic products like creams, serums and face masks, it's also important to take care of exfoliating the top layer of skin. It is for this reason that a peeling tonic has appeared in the range of cosmetic products, which is an important component of any skin care. In this article we will look at the main properties of peeling tonic, how it differs from regular toners, and also some brands with the most effective products.


Peeling toners are a special product designed to exfoliate the surface layer of skin cells. This product contains natural acids that effectively remove dead cells and cleanse the skin. Peeling tonic smoothes the surface of the skin, improves blood circulation and increases moisture levels, making the skin healthier and smoother.

Main content

One of the main differences between a peeling tonic and a regular toner is the depth of action. While conventional toners only lightly cleanse the epidermis, the Saw Tonic produces deep cleansing, removing not only superficial dead cells, but also the deeper layers. This provides