Top best body scrubs



Surely in every girl's bathroom there are several irreplaceable tubes, bottles and bottles that help her stay beautiful and well-groomed. And, of course, among them there will be a good scrub or body peeling - after all, thorough cleansing without such products is unthinkable! It is these helpers that allow you to get rid of the keratinized layer of cells, fight cellulite, prevent ingrown hairs after hair removal and improve blood circulation. And, in the end, it’s just nice to pamper yourself a couple of times a week with a massage with a thick aromatic mass that makes the skin incredibly velvety and soft. Moreover, the beauty market constantly tempts women with a huge assortment of fragrant scrubs in stylish jars - in short, it’s impossible to resist buying them!

However, despite the variety, choosing the best scrub for your loved one is not an easy task. They come in cream, gel and oil, warming and cooling, with different abrasive bases, which determine the softness or hardness of the peeling, or even completely non-abrasive. Therefore, when going shopping, you need to know exactly which scrub to give preference to.

Learning to choose the right body scrub

Girls with particularly sensitive or dry skin are better off purchasing a so-called non-abrasive body scrub - one that contains enzymes or fruit acids instead of exfoliating granules.

Those who want to make their skin more satiny and smooth will like scrubs with natural and essential oils, plant extracts and other nourishing ingredients.

To combat cellulite, warming body scrubs with the addition of caffeine, pepper, cinnamon, seaweed or horse chestnut extract, vitamin B3, and citrus essential oils are best suited.

As for abrasive particles, the most popular “fillers” for scrubs are cane sugar, sea salt and coffee. You can also find peelings with crushed nut shells, ground apricot or grape seeds, volcanic sand, rice flour - there are a lot of variations!

And our rating, based on the opinions of experts and reviews of ordinary users, will help you choose the best body scrub.

A scrub is an intermediate product for exfoliating dead skin cells between exfoliating washcloths, brushes and pumice stones. The use of a scrub can be classified both as a type of spa procedure and to combat cellulite, goose bumps, and small rough areas (for example, the foot). The scrub consists of a soft base and abrasive particles. Some products with a soft texture can also be used on the face.

Composition and texture

Just like decorative cosmetics, care products are available with different compositions, textures, abrasive particles, and fragrances. Conventionally, all exfoliating products can be divided into two groups: those with natural particles and artificial ones.

The most popular natural ingredients include “edible” products: coffee residues, apricot kernels, sea salt, honey, etc. The main difference from chemical ones is the use of preservatives for the latter, hence the different shelf life. Here it’s up to the taste and color to decide what you like.

Main types of scrubs by texture:

  1. Gel + particles
  2. Mousse + particles
  3. Cream scrubs

Choosing a body scrub

In order for cosmetics to work correctly and effectively, you need to understand why exactly it is purchased. If the main problem is rough areas of the skin, then in this case you should give preference to scrubs with hard and large particles, because just for prevention it will be rough and can injure the body.

To combat cellulite, you should give preference to products with added oils, since in this case the scrub is used in combination with massage movements. By the way, some manufacturers have special marks on the packaging indicating that the product is from the anti-cellulite series.

Second, and no less important, before purchasing a product, you need to carefully study the composition, including what fragrances a particular brand uses. There is often a situation when a particular scent turns out to be so cloying that it is simply impossible to use it, and some scents, like floral ones, can even cause allergies. Therefore, in order not to be left with an unnecessary jar of product and wasted money, it is better to familiarize yourself with the ingredients in advance.

Advantages of Korean body scrubs

  1. Clears away the old layer of skin
  2. Can be used in combination with massage
  3. Prevention of cellulite
  4. After use, the dermis “breathes”
  5. Skin Cell Renewal
  6. Enhances the effect of skincare products

Before using the scrub, it is recommended to prepare the body: steam the skin, for example, take a hot bath for 15-20 minutes, shower, or visit a bathhouse or sauna. In this way, the skin cells expand and in this case the scrubbing procedure is easier to carry out.

TOP Korean body scrubs

The Mizon brand (by the way, which was recently reviewed) could not help but enter the hit parade of effective products. Honey Black Sugar Scrub - based on cane sugar, it has natural ingredients and medium-sized particles.

It performs its functions perfectly, the main thing is not to overdo it. The second main component is honey, which takes care of moisturizing the skin while soothing it. The product is good in everything, the only thing that doesn't please me is its price.

The young Korean brand Deoproce suggests trying the Relife Perfume Body Scrub Wash Purple with grape seed oil. The product can easily be classified as anti-age cosmetics - it is suitable for combating cellulite, stretch marks and inelastic areas of the skin.

Crushed walnut shells are used as exfoliating particles, which give elasticity to the body. The product is famous for its natural composition.

The Saem Body & soul is a perfumed scrub with apricot kernels and the summer aroma of mangosteen. It has a light texture and at first it may seem that the product is more suitable for the face.

In fact, the scrub, despite the volume of 200 ml, is consumed economically and lasts for a long time. The product is filled with Shea and Jojoba oils that moisturize, nourish and soothe the skin. The product is great after excessive tanning, when the skin is burned and begins to peel.

Coffee Body Scrub from Skinfood - can be used simultaneously on the face and body. It is not for nothing that it is believed that scrubs based on coffee particles are the most effective and efficient means. It is after them that the skin remains velvety and smooth longer for several weeks, and the honey in the composition only enhances the effect.

It has a medium texture, smells nice in the jar, but the aroma is not noticeable on the skin. Large packaging, low consumption and reasonable price.

Good is not the same as expensive

Of course, in addition to the products highlighted above, Korean brands have a lot of interesting products; you can’t try everything. Most often, they differ only in aromas and texture, so when choosing between an expensive and a medium-priced product, you should not always give preference to the first.

Cosmetologists advise using the scrub no more than once a week. With frequent use, the skin can become injured and become accustomed to constant exposure.

Skin cleansing is the most important step in a multi-step skin care procedure. Almost every woman has a cleansing gel, special mousse or cream in her arsenal. However, daily washing with the above products is not sufficient. You can achieve truly perfect cleansing with the help of special scrubs, which are used several times a week and are designed to more thoroughly rid the face and body of dead skin particles and cosmetic residues. This article will help you choose your product among the best cleansing scrubs in 2019.


Scrub: why and how to use

A scrub is a cleanser designed to rid the skin of those impurities that daily cleaning products cannot cope with.

The small inclusions contained in the scrub remove dead skin particles and makeup residues that cannot be removed by a regular gel. In addition, applying a scrub is an opportunity to perform a kind of skin massage, since working with it involves a certain mechanical effect on the epidermis.

The basis of the product is a gel or a thicker cream, and sometimes cosmetic clay.

The following can be used as cleaning particles:

  1. Salt;
  2. Grains of sand;
  3. Walnut shells, finely crushed;
  4. Ground apricot or cherry pits;
  5. Tiny plastic balls.

The process of cleaning the skin using a scrub is called peeling.

Important! Unlike daily cleansers that have a uniform texture, the scrub contains abrasive inclusions that have a local irritating effect on the skin, promoting deeper cleansing. Therefore, you should exercise extreme caution when applying the product, especially to the face, to avoid active friction so as not to damage the skin.

The peeling procedure must be performed after preliminary cleansing of the facial skin. At the same time, for epidermis prone to oiliness and shine, gels or foams are more often used, which have a slight drying effect. For normal and dry skin, milk or cleansing toner is more suitable.

The scrub is applied to the face using fingers, usually the index and middle fingers; the process of spreading and massaging usually lasts about three minutes. When applying the product, you should adhere to the generally accepted rules for distributing cosmetic products on the face: from the center of the forehead to the temporal region, then from the corners of the lips to the temples and from the chin to the earlobes. Do not apply a regular scrub to the area around the eyes or lips.

If you are going to exfoliate your body, it is preferable to do it immediately after taking a shower. In this case, it will be more convenient to apply the product using a soft mitten made of natural materials. If you don’t have one at hand, you can do this simply with your fingers.

After completing the procedure, the remaining scrub is washed off with warm water.

The frequency of use of the scrub is indicated on the packaging. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the skin type for which the product is designed. Such information is also reflected on the bottle or packaging of the product.

An important step in the peeling procedure is the final moisturizing of the skin after scrubbing. Creams and lotions that have a nourishing, softening or deep moisturizing effect are suitable for this. Light texture gels will be less suitable in this case.

Most scrubs fall into one of several groups that differ in the effects they have on the skin.

  1. Cleansing. If it is a facial scrub, then most often it will be aimed at getting rid of so-called blackheads. The main audience of these products are young women with similar skin characteristics. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the scrub; those with oily skin should choose an organic product with a drying effect, but people with dry skin, on the contrary, are not recommended to use products containing, for example, clay or alcohol.
  2. For feet. This part of the body has a rather dense, often rough skin, so foot scrubs are most often products with a pronounced abrasive component.
  3. Anti-cellulite. The components included in such products not only cleanse, but also help improve skin turgor, thereby providing an anti-cellulite effect.
  4. Massage. As a rule, the product is a combination of oils and abrasive particles and often has a warming effect. Similar scrubs are used for the body, most often for the back, legs and arms.

Rating of the best scrubs of 2019

The products discussed below were selected based on the opinions of consumers and experts.

The scrub is designed to cleanse facial skin. In addition to the main effect, it gives a slight whitening effect. Suitable for any type of epidermis. An important feature: the ability to not only wash off the product, but also simply remove its remnants with a damp cloth.


It is curious that the product, which received positive feedback from customers, due to the lack of irritating effects, did not find much response among professional cosmetologists, who prefer foreign analogues.