
Torso (Italian torso, from Latin torso - “chest, torso”) is a part of the human body that includes the chest, abdomen and back. The torso is an important part of the human body as it is the basis for many organs and systems such as the heart, lungs, liver, stomach and others.

The torso has several important functions. It protects internal organs from external influences such as shock and injury. In addition, the torso plays an important role in maintaining balance and coordination.

One of the most famous parts of the torso is the rib cage, which is part of the chest cavity. The chest cavity contains the lungs, heart, esophagus and other organs. The rib cage also houses muscles and ligaments that help support the torso and allow movement.

Another important part of the torso is the stomach. Many internal organs are located here, such as the liver, stomach, intestines and kidneys. Additionally, the abdomen is home to the abdominal muscles, which play an important role in supporting the torso and allowing movement.

The back is another important part of the torso. It is home to the muscles of the back and spine, which provide torso support and movement. The back is also home to organs such as the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Overall, the torso is a very important part of the human body and plays an important role in many body functions.