Touching Electric Current

If a person touches an electrical current, the consequences can be extremely dangerous. Electrical current can cause severe burns, damage to internal organs, and in some cases even cause death. Therefore, if you are faced with a situation where someone has touched an electrical conductor, you need to take immediate action.

First of all, it is necessary to interrupt the current as soon as possible. If there is a switch nearby, you need to press it. If it is inaccessible or it is not known where it is, then it is necessary to break the wire of the wire, throwing a dry rope over it, or connect the wire with a metal wire to the ground (of course, this should be done with caution). This will reduce the danger to the victim.

However, under no circumstances should you grab the affected person with your bare hands while they are attached to the wire. In this case, the electricity will pass through you and you may also be harmed. It is necessary to first put on rubber gloves, or at least whole dry galoshes, or wrap your hands with a whole dry cloth through which electricity does not pass. Only after this can you try to pull the victim away from the wire (disconnect him from the wire).

If you are not confident in your abilities or do not know how to provide first aid, you must immediately call an ambulance. You should also make sure that the victim is breathing and that he has a pulse. If he is not breathing, resuscitation must begin immediately.

In any case, it must be remembered that touching an electric current is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and know how to act correctly in case of an emergency.