
IPSp (TPS) - Postsynaptic inhibitory potentials. The study and analysis of this structure is a pressing issue for science as a whole, since it is responsible not only for the sensation of feelings, but also directly affects human decision-making, which is mandatory for each of us.

The postsynaptic structure of IPSp formation was discovered in 1938, and now, to this day, is being studied by many scientists around the world.

There are different approaches to the very issue of brake TPSP, some consider it a plus, others argue that it is a minus. And as they say, there is no dispute about tastes; a decisive contribution in this aspect will be played directly by our knowledge in the field of education, perseverance and quality of education in principle.

Inhibiting postsynaptic potential structures are formed by groups of neurons that have the ability to control the conduction of nerve impulses between the first neuronal exciters and nerve cells, therefore this TSP allows reducing the activity of the system. Different types of these inhibitory structures will correspond to the different needs of the body, for example, there is a type of IPSP responsible for reducing the frequency of myocardial contractions, as well as slowing down the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

TPP has a variety of physical and chemical properties, due to which it has an extremely multifaceted practical potential for practical use, revealing this structure and its role in the physiological processes of the human body.