
Trapex: description, application, side effects and warnings

Trapex is a drug belonging to the group of tranquilizers, benzodiazepine derivatives. It is manufactured in India by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd and is used to treat various mental and neurological disorders. The international name of this drug is lorazepam.

Lorazepam, or Trapex, is available in tablets in 1 mg and 2 mg strengths. Its active ingredient is lorazepam. The drug has anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxing effects.

Indications for the use of Trapex include the treatment of neuroses accompanied by anxiety and excitement, emotional stress and restlessness, psychoreactive states, anxiety in various depressions, schizophrenia, manic states, sleep disorders, psychosomatic disorders, status epilepticus, headaches, vomiting caused by chemotherapy, alcoholic delirium .

Contraindications to the use of Trapex include hypersensitivity, myasthenia gravis, angle-closure glaucoma, acute intoxication, depressive neuroses, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age (for tablets) and adolescents under 18 years of age (for injections).

When using Trapex, side effects may occur, such as dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, appetite disorders, muscle weakness, drowsiness, depression, headache, changes in blood composition, itching. With long-term treatment, drug dependence may develop.

Interaction of Trapex with other drugs may lead to an increase in its action or the occurrence of undesirable effects. Thus, the use of narcotic analgesics, general and local anesthetics, alcohol and drugs that depress the central nervous system, monoamine oxidase inhibitors and some antidepressants can enhance the neurotropic effect of the drug. Scopolamine, in turn, increases sedation, induces hallucinations and illogical behavior.

If overdose occurs, symptoms may include drowsiness, coma, ataxia, hypotension, hypnosis, and possibly death. In this case, induction of vomiting, gastric lavage, symptomatic treatment and observation of the patient are necessary.

In general, Trapex is an effective drug for the treatment of various mental and neurological disorders, but its use should only be under medical supervision, since improper use can lead to unwanted effects and the development of drug dependence. Patients should follow the instructions for use of the drug and report to the doctor any unwanted effects that may occur during treatment.